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Data Package Summary    View Full Metadata

  • CCE LTER process cruise, in the California Current region, event log records including date, time, position and activity for use in post-cruise data integration based on co-sampling indexes, 2006 - 2017 (ongoing).
  • California Current Ecosystem LTER
  • 2019-03-19
  • California Current Ecosystem LTER. 2019. CCE LTER process cruise, in the California Current region, event log records including date, time, position and activity for use in post-cruise data integration based on co-sampling indexes, 2006 - 2017 (ongoing). ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-28).
  • The event logger program developed and maintained by the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations, SIO, program is used aboard CCE LTER process cruises to create indexes with temporal, spatial and activity information for post-cruise data integration. The event log is configured aboard the ship for the recording of sampling events by both ship crew personnel on the bridge, and research personnel in the lab. The event log is processed post-cruise to correct for various errors.

  • The data available here are intended for scholarly use by the research community, with the express understanding that data users will properly acknowledge the originating investigator. Use or reproduction of any material herein for any commercial purpose is prohibited without prior written permission from the responsible party.
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EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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