This data set includes daily year-round weather measurements and observations recorded at the University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS) from 1980-present. Data primarily serves the purpose of benefitting UMBS researchers needing access to weather data as a confounding variable. Parameters include maximum and minimum temperatures, precipitation, snowfall, snowpack, and estimated cloud cover and type recorded daily at approximately 08:00. Maximum and minimum temperatures were measured at the Biological Station campus with National Weather Service liquid-in-glass thermometers housed in a Weather Service (a.k.a., Cotton Region) shelter located on State Road. Precipitation was measured with either a Belfort Rainfall Transmitter 5915 or an ETI NOAH IV Total Precipitation Gauge in the “UV Field” located immediately northwest of the Biological Station campus. Snowfall and snowpack were also measured in the UV Field on snowboards using National Weather Service according to National Weather Service snow measurement guidelines. Cloud cover was estimated in oktas and classified into one of the ten basic cloud types.