These data are from four separate projects undertaken between 1997 and 2017. The first of these are two snow manipulation (freeze) projects: 1) In 1997, as part of a study of the relationships between snow depth, soil freezing and nutrient cycling, we established eight 10 x 10-m plots located within four stands; two dominated (80%) by sugar maple (SM1 and SM2) and two dominated by yellow birch(YB1 and YB2), with one snow reduction (shoveling) and one reference plot in each stand. 2) In 2001, we established eight new 10-m x 10-m plots (4 treatment, 4 reference) in four new sites; two high elevation, north facing and (East Kineo and West Kineo) two low elevation, south facing (Upper Valley and Lower Valley) maple-beech-birch stands. To establish plots, we cleared minor amounts of understory vegetation from all (both treatment and reference) plots (to facilitate shoveling). Treatments (keeping plots snow free by shoveling through the end of January) were applied in the winters of 1997/98, 1998/99, 2002/2003 and 2003/2004.
The Climate Gradient Project was established in October 2010. Here we evaluated relationships between snow depth, soil freezing and nutrient cycling along an elevation/aspect gradient that created variation in climate with little variation in soils or vegetation. We established 6 20 x 20-m plots (intensive plots) and 14 10 x 10-m plots (extensive plots), with eight of the plots facing north and twelve facing south.
The Ice Storm project was designed to evaluate the damage and changes ice storms cause to northern hardwood forests in forest structure, nutrient cycling and carbon storage. Ten 20x30 meter plots were established in a predominately sugar maple stand, with 4 icing treatments and 2 control plots. The treatments are as follows: Low (0.25"), Mid (0.5"), Midx2 (0.5") 2 Years in a row, High: (0.75"), Control. The icing treatment was conducted in the winter of 2015-2016, with a second year of icing on the Midx2 treatments plots in the winter of 2016-2017. The treatments are as follows: Low (0.25"), Mid (0.5"), Midx2 (0.5") 2 Years in a row, High: (0.75"), Control.