To understand circulation and seasonality as part of the Beaufort Lagoon Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research program, temperature, conductivity, salinity, pressure, depth, and current velocity were recorded hourly in situ, starting August 2018 in lagoons across the Beaufort Sea coast (Elson Lagoon, Kaktovik Lagoon, and Jago Lagoon). Moorings included combinations of 1) RBR Concerto CTDs with temperature, conductivity, and pressure sensors; 2) StarOddi CSTs with temperature and conductivity sensors; and 3) Lowell TCM-1 Tilt Current meters with MAT-1 Data Loggers for velocity and bearing. In addition, during BLE LTER's annual sampling, water column physiochemical parameters (chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, phycoerythrin concentration, pH, temperature, conductivity, salinity) were measured by hand with a YSI data sonde at river, lagoon, and open ocean sites along the Beaufort Sea coast. A subset of the YSI sonde data was used to calibrate and validate the insitu mooring data.