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  • Sagehen Creek Creel Census, 1953-1961
  • Richard, J B; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Jones, A; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Weidlein, Don; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Flittner, Glenn; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Brock, Elbert M; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Rupp, R S; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Needham, P R; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Helm, Larry; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Painter, R; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Cordone, Al; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Gard, R; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Mosher, Jack B; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Allen, Ray; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Brussard, P J; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Sutton, A; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Scott; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Anthony, H; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Bettencourt, David; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Reid; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Stephen, Gould; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Calvert, D; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Brines, Gary; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Hinton, R; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Gerstung, Eric; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Heimann, Richard; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Nisbet, Bill; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Seegrist, Don W; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Flickinger, Don; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Galbreath, James L; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Pennoyer, Steve; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Weiss, Harvey M; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Johnson, Fred; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Leopold, A S; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Screiber, Max R; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Richards, Bob; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Wooster, Theodore; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Wooster, Beatrice B; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Hopkirk, John D; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Angle, Toni; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Brines; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Tsunoda, Setsuno; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Parrish, Richard; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    O'Brien, B; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
    Hawthorne, Vernon M; UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station
  • 2019-08-23
  • Richard, J.B., A. Jones, D. Weidlein, G. Flittner, E.M. Brock, R.S. Rupp, P.R. Needham, L. Helm, R. Painter, A. Cordone, R. Gard, J.B. Mosher, R. Allen, P.J. Brussard, A. Sutton, Scott, H. Anthony, D. Bettencourt, Reid, G. Stephen, D. Calvert, G. Brines, R. Hinton, E. Gerstung, R. Heimann, B. Nisbet, D.W. Seegrist, D. Flickinger, J.L. Galbreath, S. Pennoyer, H.M. Weiss, F. Johnson, A.S. Leopold, M.R. Screiber, B. Richards, T. Wooster, B.B. Wooster, J.D. Hopkirk, T. Angle, Brines, S. Tsunoda, R. Parrish, B. O'Brien, and V.M. Hawthorne. 2019. Sagehen Creek Creel Census, 1953-1961 ver 0. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-27).
  • Data package contains two data tables documenting surveys of angler catch in the Sagehen Creek. The Creel Census was conducted during the summer months of 1953-1961 by a range of surveyors.
  • N: 39.53388889      S: 39.31916667      E: -120.08361111      W: -120.4575
  • edi.314.0  (Uploaded 2019-08-23)  
  • This data package is released to the "public domain" under Creative Commons CC0 1.0 "No Rights Reserved" (see: It is considered professional etiquette to provide attribution of the original work if this data package is shared in whole or by individual components. A generic citation is provided for this data package on the website (herein "website") in the summary metadata page. Communication (and collaboration) with the creators of this data package is recommended to prevent duplicate research or publication. This data package (and its components) is made available "as is" and with no warranty of accuracy or fitness for use. The creators of this data package and the website shall not be liable for any damages resulting from misinterpretation or misuse of the data package or its components. Periodic updates of this data package may be available from the website. Thank you.
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