This dataset consists of data reprocessed into the Object Data Model (ODM) 1.1 CSV format based on VCR hourly meteorological data
The data source was: Porter, J.H., D.O. Krovetz, W.K. Nuttle, and J. Spitler. 2021. Hourly Meteorological Data for the Virginia Coast Reserve LTER 1989-present ver 46. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2021-09-10).
It consists of 7 data tables:
1) DataValues - contains the timestamped data values labeled by variable type, method, source, quality control level and qualifiers (flags)
2) Variables - information on the variable types
3) Methods - information on the methods
4) Sites - information about the sites
5) Sources - information about the data source
6) QualityControlLevels - information about QC processing, and
7) Qualifiers - quality flags associated with variables.