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Data Package Summary    View Full Metadata

  • International Soil Carbon Network version 3.1 Database (ISCN3.1)
  • Nave, Luke; University of Michigan
    Johnson, Kris; USDA-Forest Service
    van Ingen, Catharine; Microsoft Research
    Agarwal, Deborah; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    Humphrey, Marty; University of Virigina
    Beekwilder, Norman; University of Virigina
  • 2021-07-27
  • Nave, L., K. Johnson, C. van Ingen, D. Agarwal, M. Humphrey, and N. Beekwilder. 2021. International Soil Carbon Network version 3.1 Database (ISCN3.1) ver 3. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-28).
  • The ISCN is an international scientific community devoted to the advancement of soil carbon research. The ISCN manages an open-access, community-driven soil carbon database. This is version 3.1 of the ISCN Database, released in December 2015 [updated for EDI release on July 2021]. It gathers 38 separate data set contributions, totaling 67,112 sites with data from 71,198 soil profiles and 431,324 soil layers. For more information about the ISCN, its scientific community and resources, data policies and partner networks visit: For information about processes used to construct the DB: [superceded by files and metadata associated with this package].

  • Geographic Coordinates
    • N: 88.60056, S: -78.5115, E: 166.7662, W: -179.0
    • N: 88.60056, S: -78.5115, E: 166.7662, W: -179.0
  • Data use: Use of data assumes that the user has joined the ISCN and will act according to the mission and guidelines stated in the Charter. When using Phase III [ISCN 3.1] data, users are encouraged to contact original data contributors for questions or clarifications; users agree to cite and/or acknowledge the data contributors and the ISCN in presentations and publications [as specified in citations.csv]. References of all accepted papers developed from ISCN data products must be sent to the ISCN Coordinator. Although these policies are intended to encourage communication between data contributors and data users, the interpretation of data and adherence to fair use guidelines are ultimately the responsibility of the user of ISCN products.
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EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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