We are conducting nutrient manipulations in three study sites in the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire: Bartlett Experimental Forest, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, and Jeffers Brook.
We monitored foliar chemistry in 12 of our stands (excluding C3) pre-treatment (2008-2010) and post-treatment (2014-2016 and 2021-22). In 2021-22 , we also measured specific leaf area, leaf dry matter content, carbon isotope composition, and stomatal density.
This dataset includes scans of the foliage sampled in 2021-22, used to measure leaf area, and photos of all foliage samples used for trait measurements and chemical analysis. For the corresponding trait and chemistry data, please see the following dataset: https://portal.edirepository.org/nis/mapbrowse?packageid=knb-lter-hbr.313.1
Additional detail on the MELNHE project, including a datatable of site descriptions and a pdf file with the project description and diagram of plot configuration can be found in this data package: https://portal.edirepository.org/nis/mapbrowse?scope=knb-lter-hbr&identifier=344
These data were gathered as part of the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study (HBES). The HBES is a collaborative effort at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, which is operated and maintained by the USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station.