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Data Package Summary    View Full Metadata

  • High-frequency sensor depth data collected by Stroud Water Research Center in a meadow reach of White Clay Creek site ID WCC017 from April 2012 through May 2021
  • Oviedo-Vargas, Diana; Stroud Water Research Center
    Jackson, John K; Stroud Water Research Center
  • 2021-07-28
  • Oviedo-Vargas, D. and J.K. Jackson. 2021. High-frequency sensor depth data collected by Stroud Water Research Center in a meadow reach of White Clay Creek site ID WCC017 from April 2012 through May 2021 ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-28).
  • High-frequency sensor data from a Sontek IQ (every 10 minutes) in a recovery reach at White Clay Creek from April 2012 through February 2021 and a Decagon CTD (every 5 minutes) in a recovery reach at White Clay Creek from January 2014 through May 2021. Funded by NSF and DEB as part of the LTREB grant to study the recovery of stream ecosystem structure and function during reforestation, Stroud Water Research Center.

    The parameter in this data package is depth. Data are presented in four tables which likely have significant overlap. The raw data tables present the data exactly as it was downloaded from the Aquarius Database. It is formatted as a "wide" human-readable table. Depth at White Clay Creek Site WCC017 since 2014 Decagon CTD and Depth at White Clay Creek Site WCC017 since 2012 IQ presents only the data from the respective sensors. These tables are gap filled for intervals greater than 10 minutes (CTD) or 20 minutes (IQ) and less than 24 hours. It is organized as a long, tidy table and is optimal for machine readability. All of the parameters and table are further explained in the metadata.

  • N: 39.85883      S: 39.85883      E: -75.78335      W: -75.78335
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