This package includes data and code to reproduce analyses of micro-scale geography of synchrony in the plant community at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve. Plant cover and soil depth data come from long-term experimental plots established by Richard Hobbs. Plant cover is aggregated into 36 1m2 plots across three treatments (control, gopher exclosure, rabbit exclosure) from 1983 to 2015; included herein are data on the 6 most abundant species (Plantago erecta, Bromus hordeaceous, Lasthenia californica, Microseris douglasii, Vulpia microstachys, and Calycadenia multiglandulosa), total plant cover across all species, and records of gopher disturbance in the plots. The data package also includes time series of monthly precipitation and growing season Palmer’s Drought Severity Index for the same time period. An R Markdown file is included that reproduces all analyses described in the manuscript and reproduces all data figures.