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  • New England Enhanced Forest Inventory
  • Ayrey, Elias; The University of Maine
    Hayes, Daniel J; The University of Maine
    Kilbride, John B; Oregon State University
  • 2021-10-04
  • Ayrey, E., D.J. Hayes, and J.B. Kilbride. 2021. New England Enhanced Forest Inventory ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-27).
  • Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) has become a common tool for generating remotely sensed forest inventories. However, regional modeling of forest attributes using LiDAR has remained challenging due to varying parameters between LiDAR datasets, such as pulse density. Here we develop a regional model using a three dimensional convolutional neural network (CNN). We then apply our model to publicly available data over New England, generating maps of fourteen forest attributes at a 10 m resolution over 85 % of the region. Attributes include aboveground biomass (kg), total biomass (kg), tree count (#), percent conifer (%), basal area (m^2), mean height (m), quadratic mean diameter (cm), percent spruce/fir (%), percent white pine (%), inner bark volume (m^3), merchantable volume (m^3), and spruce/fir volume (m^3. All values correspond to the amount per pixel cell (I.E. kg of biomass found within that pixel). Map/model performance was assessed using the USFS’s FIA inventory, which constituted an independent dataset free from spatial autocorrelation. More data can be found in the following pre-print: Ayrey, E., Hayes, D. J., Kilbride, J. B., Fraver, S., Kershaw, J. A., Cook, B. D., & Weiskittel, A. R. (2019). Synthesizing Disparate LiDAR and Satellite Datasets through Deep Learning to Generate Wall-to-Wall Regional Forest Inventories. bioRxiv, 580514.
  • N: 47.3474      S: 40.9404      E: -66.8516      W: -73.7267
  • edi.496.1  (Uploaded 2021-10-04)  
  • This data package is released to the "public domain" under Creative Commons CC0 1.0 "No Rights Reserved" (see: It is considered professional etiquette to provide attribution of the original work if this data package is shared in whole or by individual components. A generic citation is provided for this data package on the website (herein "website") in the summary metadata page. Communication (and collaboration) with the creators of this data package is recommended to prevent duplicate research or publication. This data package (and its components) is made available "as is" and with no warranty of accuracy or fitness for use. The creators of this data package and the website shall not be liable for any damages resulting from misinterpretation or misuse of the data package or its components. Periodic updates of this data package may be available from the website. Thank you.

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