This data set shows the Tag number, Quadrat location, Species code, diameter and XY coordinates of stems >=10 cm D130 present at the time of Hurricane Hugo and in the first census. The data set is composed of two files both with the same file structure. In LFDP_C1treemap.txt the diameters (Fdiam) are as recorded in the field data. In LFDP_C1TREEMAPa.txt the stem diameters (Fdiam) were calculated to allocate "missed" stems (stems >=10 cm D130) that were found in survey 2, 3 or Census 2 to Census 1 survey 1. We calculated the diameter the stem would have had, if it had been recorded at the same time the quadrat it was located in was assessed, in the appropriate survey for that stem size.
To extrapolate the stem size back in time, we used the actual growth rate of that individual stem if more than one measurement was available. If only one diameter measurement was available we used the median growth rate for that species in the appropriate size class stems >=10, <30 cm D130). In our publications we will combine data sets LFDP_C1treemap.txt and LFDP_C1TREEMAPa.txt to make Census 1 and to reconstruct the forest for stems >= 10 cm D130 at the time of Hurricane Hugo. We have divided the data into two separate files to ensure that when stem diameters are compared to future censuses the diameter data in LFDP_C1TREEMAPa.txt are not used to calculate growth rates. The last corrections to the Census 1 data were made in May 2001. The National Science Foundation requires that data from projects it funds are posted on the web two years after any data set has been organized and "cleaned". The data from each census of the LFDP will be updated at intervals as each survey of the LFDP shows errors in the previous data collection. After posting on the web, researchers who are not part of the project are then welcome to use the data. Given the enormous amount of time, effort and resources required to manage the LFDP, obtain these data, and ensure data accuracy, LFDP Principal Investigators request that researchers intending to use this data comply with the requests below. Through complying with these requests we can ensure that the data are interpreted correctly, analyses are not repeated unnecessarily, beneficial collaboration between users is promoted and the Principle Investigators investment in this project is protected. Submit to the LFDP PIs a short (1 page) description of how you intend to use the data; · Invite LFDP PIs to be co-authors on any publication that uses the data in a substantial way (some PIs may decline and other LFDP scientists may need to be included); If the LFDP PIs are not co-authors, send the PIs a draft of any paper using LFDP data, so that the PIs may comment upon it; In the methods section of any publication using LFDP data, describe that data as coming from the "Luquillo Forest Dynamics Plot, part of the Luquillo Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological Research Program"; Acknowledge in any publication using LFDP data the "The Luquillo Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological Research Program, supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the University of Puerto Rico, and the International Institute of Tropical Forestry"; · Supply the LFDP PIs with 10 reprints of any publication using LFDP data. · Accept that the LFDP PIs can not guarantee that the LFDP data you intend to use, has not already been submitted for publication or published.