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  • Trace Metal Content of Community Garden Soils in Metro Phoenix, AZ
  • Holmes, Caitlin; Arizona State University
    Hall, Sharon; Arizona State University
  • 2019-01-21
  • Holmes, C. and S. Hall. 2019. Trace Metal Content of Community Garden Soils in Metro Phoenix, AZ ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-27).
  • Gardens are established in urban areas a way to establish natural spaces and fresh food in low affluence communities. A potential problem of growing food in cities is that high levels of heavy metals can exist in soils from proximity to industries and longterm agriculture, which can be taken up my plants. This research measured soil and plant Pb and Cd, two of the most prolific and high concern metals, in order to determine if toxic levels beyond EPA standards of metals exist in Phoenix metro garden soils.

  • N: 33.608      S: 33.328      E: -111.877      W: -112.1
  • knb-lter-cap.660.1  (Uploaded 2019-01-21)  
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  • Copyright Board of Regents, Arizona State University. This information is released to the public and may be used for academic, educational, or commercial purposes subject to the following restrictions. While the CAP LTER will make every effort possible to control and document the quality of the data it publishes, the data are made available 'as is'. The CAP LTER cannot assume responsibility for damages resulting from mis-use or mis-interpretation of datasets, or from errors or omissions that may exist in the data. It is considered a matter of professional ethics to acknowledge the work of other scientists that has resulted in data used in subsequent research. The CAP LTER expects that any use of data from this server will be accompanied with the appropriate citations and acknowledgments. The CAP LTER encourages users to contact the original investigator responsible for the data that they are accessing. Where appropriate, researchers whose projects are integrally dependent on CAP LTER data are encouraged to consider collaboration and/or co-authorship with original investigators. The CAP LTER requests that users submit to the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University reference to any publication(s) resulting from the use of data obtained from this site.
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