An instrumented buoy maintained by Friends of the Lake and Fairfield University has been deployed on Lake Lillinonah (Connecticut, USA) during the summer months to collect high-frequency water quality data. The buoy is deployed early each summer and remains in the lake until late October. The instrumented buoy is equipped with an RBR temperature sensor chain, collected data every meter from a depth of 0.6 meters to 14.5 meters and every two meters to a depth of 18.5. meters. Data was collected every fifteen minutes. Included in this data package are data sets containing 15-minute data as well as daily averages.
Prior to the deployment of the RBR temperature sensor, the instrumented buoy was equipped with a Nexsens T-node thermistor chain (2011-2015) with sensors at different depths. These data are available in the data package EDI557.
Additional high-frequency water quality data for Lake Lillinonah including dissolved oxygen, specific conductance and pigment fluorescence are available in packages EDI559 and EDI560.