Ice cover was recorded at Falling Creek Reservoir and Beaverdam Reservoir (both located in Vinton, Virginia, USA) using multiple methods in 2013-2022. Falling Creek Reservoir and Beaverdam Reservoir are owned and operated by the Western Virginia Water Authority as a primary and secondary drinking water source, respectively, for Roanoke, Virginia. These two reservoirs are some of the southernmost waterbodies in the United States that exhibit ice cover during the winter. Given incipient climate change, Falling Creek Reservoir and Beaverdam Reservoir's ice cover data represent an important record of warming for waterbodies in the southeastern United States. Ice cover presence was assessed using multiple methods: visual observation of ice spanning the deep hole (from an observer standing on a reservoir's dam); visual observation via an automated camera deployed near the deep hole; water temperature data from a profile of sensors deployed at a reservoir's deepest site; upwelling shortwave radiation and albedo measured by a meteorological station deployed on a metal structure located over Falling Creek Reservoirs's deep hole; and dissolved oxygen sensors deployed at multiple depths at the deep hole of both reservoirs.