Forest Water Use Efficiency (WUE) is defined as the ratio of carbon uptake per unit water vapor loss via transpiration. Micrometeorological measurements suggest that forest WUE has dramatically increased over the last two decades, in excess of what would be expected from increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Coinciding with observed trends in forest WUE have been marked decreases in acid deposition throughout much of North America and Europe. There is evidence that acid deposition may impact forest WUE, either by altering the availability of nutrients in forest soils or by directly affecting foliar physiology. Changes in WUE could also lead to changes in stream discharge from forested catchments. The hypothesized response of forests to changing levels of acid deposition is not currently considered in the land surface components of global climate models (GCMs). Since carbon dioxide and water vapor are the two most important greenhouse gases, it is vital to accurately model their land-atmosphere exchange.
This research uses a catchment-based approach to investigate the effects of changing acid deposition on forest WUE. Tree ring carbon isotopes reconstruct historical WUE time series within six catchments that have been differentially impacted by acid deposition due to distinctions between their underlying bedrock mineralogy and geological histories. The research also capitalizes on experimental treatments that have altered soil biogeochemistry in paired catchment designs (Bear Brook, ME; Hubbard Brook, NH; and Fernow Experimental Forest, WV). Additional watersheds that vary in underlying bedrock chemistry are also used in this research to examine tree-ring WUE time series as natural experiments along a base-cation gradient. These watersheds include Sleepers River, VT; Hubbard Brook, NH; Cone Pond Watershed, NH; and Shenandoah National Park, VA.