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  • Characterization of photosynthetic epilithic biomass on the river bed of the Upper Clark Fork River (Montana, USA) during the algal growing season of 2019
  • Valett, H Maurice; University of Montana
    Utzman, Claire; University of Montana
    Feijó de Lima, Rafael; University of Montana
  • 2023-03-18
  • Valett, H.M., C. Utzman, and R. Feijó de Lima. 2023. Characterization of photosynthetic epilithic biomass on the river bed of the Upper Clark Fork River (Montana, USA) during the algal growing season of 2019 ver 4. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2025-01-01).
  • The LTREB monitoring project acts in collaboration with a 200-million-dollar (USD) superfund project for ecological restoration of the Upper Clark Fork River (UCFR), associated tributaries, and head water streams including Silver Bow and Warm Springs Creeks. Restoration along the Upper Clark Fork River includes removal of metal-laden floodplain soils, lowering of the floodplain to its original elevation, and re-vegetation of over 70 km of the river’s floodplain closest to contaminant sources. The UCFR Long Term Research in Environmental Biology (LTREB) project includes bi-weekly water quality monitoring across a 200-km gradient of heavy metal contamination associated with historic mining. Monitoring includes inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations, biotic standing stocks, and dissolved and whole-water heavy metal concentrations. The UCFR LTREB monitoring project is conducted within the first 200km of the Upper Clark Fork River and associated tributaries located in western Montana. The monitoring program began in 2017 with funding likely to be extended through 2028. The original analytical intent for data in this product was to assess the response of the river algal community to the floodplain restoration. Data characterize epilithic biomass on the river bed including measurements of benthic standing stocks and abundance of pigments associated with primary producers. Metrics of characterization include areal density of chlorophyll a, areal density of phaeophytin, the ratio of carotenoid to chlorophyll absorbance, percent organic matter, areal density of organic matter, and category of biomass composition (filamentous algae vs. other epilithon). Samples were obtained from collecting and scrubbing five rocks at any given site. Biomass estimates were obtained from area-corrected Ash Free Dry Mass. Pigment concentrations were obtained through the use of extraction in acetone followed by spectroscopy. Data are from the 2019 algal growing season. Data were collected on the Upper Clark Fork River (USGS HUC 17010201) at project sites distributed along the river from the vicinity of Anaconda to Missoula, Montana, USA.

  • Geographic Coordinates
    • N: 46.2373, S: 46.2373, E: -112.753194444444, W: -112.753194444444
    • N: 46.2654055555556, S: 46.2654055555556, E: -112.744577777778, W: -112.744577777778
    • N: 46.3829861111111, S: 46.3829861111111, E: -112.738411111111, W: -112.738411111111
    • N: 46.4985388888889, S: 46.4985388888889, E: -112.739544444444, W: -112.739544444444
    • N: 46.5901027777778, S: 46.5901027777778, E: -112.928541666667, W: -112.928541666667
    • N: 46.7217694444444, S: 46.7217694444444, E: -113.5724, W: -113.5724
    • N: 46.594844, S: 46.594844, E: -113.012865, W: -113.012865
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