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  • ILTER Atmospheric Deposition and Stream Nitrogen Synthesis
  • Templer, P H; Boston University
    Harrison, J L; Boston University
    Pilotto, F; Norwegian institute for nature research (NINA)
    Flores-Díaz, A; Universidad Iberoamericana
    Haase, P; Senckenberg Research Institute, Natural History Museum Frankfurt, University of Duisburg-Essen
    McDowell, W H; University of New Hampshire
    Sharif, R; University of Maryland
    Shibata, H; Hokkaido University
    Blankman, D; ILTER Information Management Committee
    Avila, A; Campus Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    Baatar, U ; University of Vienna, Rennweg
    Bogena, H R; Agrosphere Institute
    Bourgeois, I; University of Colorado Boulder
    Campbell, J; US Forest Service
    Dirnböck, T; Environment Agency Austria
    Dodds, W K; Kansas State University
    Hauken, M; Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
    Kokorite, I; University of Latvia
    Lajtha, K; Oregon State University
    Lai, I-L; National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
    Laudon, H; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
    Lin, T C; National Taiwan Normal University
    Lins, S; University of São Paulo
    Meesenburg, H; Northwest German Forest Research Institute
    Pinho, P; Universidade de Lisboa
    Robison, A; University of New Hampshire
    Rogora, M; Water Research Institute
    Scheler, B; Northwest German Forest Research Institute
    Schleppi, P; Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
    Sommaruga, R; University of Innsbruc
    Staszewski, T; Institute for Ecology of Industrial Area
    Taka, M; Water and Environmental Engineering Research Group
  • 2022-02-13
  • Templer, P.H., J.L. Harrison, F. Pilotto, A. Flores-Díaz, P. Haase, W.H. McDowell, R. Sharif, H. Shibata, D. Blankman, A. Avila, U. Baatar, H.R. Bogena, I. Bourgeois, J. Campbell, T. Dirnböck, W.K. Dodds, M. Hauken, I. Kokorite, K. Lajtha, I. Lai, H. Laudon, T.C. Lin, S. Lins, H. Meesenburg, P. Pinho, A. Robison, M. Rogora, B. Scheler, P. Schleppi, R. Sommaruga, T. Staszewski, and M. Taka. 2022. ILTER Atmospheric Deposition and Stream Nitrogen Synthesis ver 10. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2025-01-01).
  • We identified variables controlling stream nitrogen concentrations and fluxes, and how they have changed over time , by synthesizing 20 time series ranging from 5 to 51 years of data collected from forest and grassland dominated watersheds across Europe, North America, and East Asia and across four climate types (tropical, temperate, Mediterranean, and boreal) using the International Long-Term Ecological Research Network. We found declining trends in bulk ammonium and nitrate deposition, with ammonium contributing significantly more to atmospheric nitrogen deposition over time. Among sites, there were significant positive relationships between (1) precipitation and stream ammonium and nitrate fluxes and (2) atmospheric nitrogen inputs and stream nitrogen concentrations and fluxes. There were no significant relationships between air temperature and stream nitrogen export. Our long-term data shows that although nitrogen deposition is declining over time, atmospheric nitrogen inputs and precipitation remain the main predictors for nitrogen exported from forested and grassland watersheds. Overall, we also demonstrate that long-term monitoring provides understanding of ecosystems and biogeochemical cycling that would not be possible with short-term studies alone.

  • Geographic Coordinates
    • N: 47.044, S: 47.044, E: 8.713, W: 8.713
    • N: 49.6604, S: 49.6604, E: 18.9371, W: 18.9371
    • N: 23.5666666666667, S: 23.5666666666667, E: 121.566666666667, W: 121.566666666667
    • N: 44.2323, S: 44.2323, E: -122.169, W: -122.169
    • N: 43.962, S: 43.962, E: -71.805, W: -71.805
    • N: 39.095385, S: 39.095385, E: -96.574987, W: -96.574987
    • N: 50.68, S: 50.68, E: 8.65, W: 8.65
    • N: 45.9547, S: 45.9547, E: 8.63403, W: 8.63403
    • N: 51.8667, S: 51.8667, E: 10.4333, W: 10.4333
    • N: 47.84224607, S: 47.84224607, E: 14.44413616, W: 14.44413616
    • N: 18.3607, S: 18.3607, E: -65.7015, W: -65.7015
    • N: 41.7773, S: 41.7773, E: -2.35277, W: -2.35277
    • N: 47.1833, S: 47.1833, E: 10.8833, W: 10.8833
    • N: 42.8276, S: 42.8276, E: -71.2198, W: -71.2198
    • N: 50.267302, S: 50.267302, E: 9.269139, W: 9.269139
    • N: 57.8, S: 57.8, E: 24.3333, W: 24.3333
    • N: 64.2372, S: 64.2372, E: 19.7611, W: 19.7611
    • N: 50.5833, S: 50.5833, E: 6.43333, W: 6.43333
    • N: 44.364964, S: 44.364964, E: 142.261025, W: 142.261025
    • N: 61.12, S: 61.12, E: 9.06, W: 9.06
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