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  • 2021-2022 West False River Emergency Drought Barrier water quality, flow, and fish monitoring
  • California Department of Water Resources
    Hartman, Rosemary K; Environmental Program Manager; California Department of Water Resources
    Bosworth, David; Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist); California Department of Water Resources
    Huston, David; California Department of Water Resources
    Frantzich, Jared; Senior Environmental Scientist; California Department of Water Resources
    Salman, Tyler; California Department of Water Resources
    Ateljevich, Eli; Senior Water Resources Engineer; California Department of Water Resources
    Clark, Kevin; California Department of Water Resources
    Bergman, Paul; Environmental Science Associates
    Klambach, Andrew; ICF International, Inc.
    Wilder, Rick; ICF International, Inc.
    Silva, Matthew; Environmental Science Associates
    Hassrick, Jason; ICF International, Inc.
    Hinkelman, Travis; Environmental Science Associates
    Spaulding, Taylor; Environmental Science Associates
  • 2024-05-16
  • California Department of Water Resources, R.K. Hartman, D. Bosworth, D. Huston, J. Frantzich, T. Salman, E. Ateljevich, K. Clark, P. Bergman, A. Klambach, R. Wilder, M. Silva, J. Hassrick, T. Hinkelman, and T. Spaulding. 2024. 2021-2022 West False River Emergency Drought Barrier water quality, flow, and fish monitoring ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-29).
  • To manage the critically low 2021 water supply for beneficial uses, DWR installed the temporary emergency drought barrier (EDB) on West False River in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (Delta), approximately 5 miles south of Rio Vista, California, in Contra Costa County in June 2021. To monitor the effectiveness and impacts of the EBD, a monitoring program was initiated to track changes in hydrodynamics, water quality, fish, harmful algal blooms, and aquatic weeds in the vicinity of the EDB. The EDB was left in place during the winter of 2021-2022 and removed in fall of 2022. This data set includes all data collected as part of that monitoring program and subsets of ongoing monitoring programs that were used in the final effectiveness report for the EDB.

  • N: 38.13929      S: 37.82567304      E: -121.511      W: -121.869
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EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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