This data package was submitted to a staging environment for testing purposes only. Use of these data for anything other than testing is strongly discouraged.
Mohonk Preserve Forest Health Monitoring Data 2018
Mohonk Preserve; Mohonk Preserve
Feldsine, Natalie; Mohonk Preserve
Garretson, Alexis; Environmental Data Initiative
Long, Elizabeth C; Mohonk Preserve
Napoli, Megan; Mohonk Preserve
Ferreri, Catherine T
Erle, Jacob C. Erle C
Quintana Vargas, Miriam
Mohonk Preserve, N. Feldsine, A. Garretson, E.C. Long, M. Napoli, C.T. Ferreri, J.C. Erle, and M. Quintana Vargas. 2021. Mohonk Preserve Forest Health Monitoring Data 2018 ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-27).
Coarse Woody Debris Sampling Data (10.0 KiB; 7 downloads)
Plot Locations and Details (8.0 KiB; 5 downloads)
Species Richness Data by Plot (30.0 KiB; 5 downloads)
Quadrat Data (135.5 KiB; 6 downloads)
Regeneration Plot Data (36.3 KiB; 7 downloads)
Species List (3.6 KiB; 6 downloads)
Tree Data (41.6 KiB; 7 downloads)
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