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  • Net N mineralization rates in peat from N-Addition plots in an Alberta Peatland, 2011-2014
  • Wieder, Kelman R; Villanova University
    Vitt, Dale H; Southern Illinois University
    Vile, Melanie A; Villanova University
    Graham, Jeremy A; Southern Illinois University
    Hartsock, Jeremy A; Southern Illinois University
    Fillingim, Hope; Villanova University
    House, Melissa; Southern Illinois University
    Quinn, James C; Villanova University
    Scott, Kimberli D; Villanova University
    Petix, Meaghan; Southern Illinois University
    McMillen, Kelly J; Villanova University
  • 2019-01-03
  • Wieder, K.R., D.H. Vitt, M.A. Vile, J.A. Graham, J.A. Hartsock, H. Fillingim, M. House, J.C. Quinn, K.D. Scott, M. Petix, and K.J. McMillen. 2019. Net N mineralization rates in peat from N-Addition plots in an Alberta Peatland, 2011-2014 ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2025-01-01).
  • Development of the oil sands has led to increasing atmospheric N deposition, with values as high as 17 kg N ha-1 yr-1; regional background levels <2 kg N ha-1 yr-1. Bogs, being ombrotrophic, may be especially susceptible to increasing N deposition. To examine responses to N deposition, over five years, we experimentally applied N (as NH4NO3) to a bog near Mariana Lakes, Alberta, at rates of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 kg N ha-1 yr-1, plus controls (no water or N addition). From 2011 through 2014, we quantified net N mineralization in each plot using the in situ buried polyethylene bag technique. Concentrations of initial KCl-extractable NH4 +-N, NO3 --N, and DIN in the top 10 cm of peat were unaffected by N inputs. We hypothesized that as N deposition increases to a level that exceeds the capacity of the bog vegetation to take up N, net N mineralization in surface peat would be inhibited by higher NH4 +-N availability, net nitrification would be stimulated by higher NH4 +-N availability (cf. McGill and Cole 1981, Robertson and Groffman 2015), and concentrations of DIN in porewater at the top of the water table would increase, as DIN bypasses interception by the ground layer vegetation. None of these hypotheses was supported. Experimentally added NH4 +-N and NO3 --N apparently appear to be rapidly immobilized. This immobilization prevents experimentally added DIN from moving downward through the peat to the bog water table.

  • N: 55.895      S: 55.895      E: 112.094      W: 112.094
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