The Dukes Research Natural Area (Hiawatha National Forest, Marquette Co., MI) amounts to ca. 100 ha of minimally disturbed original forests, including a mix of mesic 'hemlock-northern hardwood' types and peaty wetlands dominated by several species of swamp conifers and black ash (Fraxinus nigra). The RNA hosts a regular grid of 250 permanent monitoring plots (data to be provided in a separate package). In 1993-95, a macroplot of 2.91 ha was established in a mixed mesic upland forest area within the RNA, in which all woody stems >2 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) were identified, measured, and mapped. In 1999 and again every five years subsequently through 2019, the macroplot was recensused; all stems were remeasured, stems newly recruited (>2 cm DBH) were measured and mapped, and any mortality since previous census was noted and described. A severe storm in 2002 resulted in extensive mortality throughout the RNA, particularly in the area in and around the macroplot.