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  • Lower American River steelhead and Chinook stranding surveys 2016 - 2024
  • Sweeney, Jamie; Cramer Fish Sciences
  • 2024-09-19
  • Sweeney, J. 2024. Lower American River steelhead and Chinook stranding surveys 2016 - 2024 ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-27).
  • Steelhead stranding surveys have been conducted on the Lower American River (LAR) for the years 2016-2024. Reclamation’s mission is to manage, develop and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American people. In the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) most recent biological opinion (2009), the presence of dams was identified as the most influential stressor to steelhead on the American River because it blocks passage to historic spawning and rearing habitat. Thus, Reclamation is required to monitor the effects of flow regulation by dams on the steelhead life stages present in the river system. Congruently, Reclamation has committed to significant restoration actions including salmonid spawning and rearing habitat rehabilitation on the Lower American River, which also require accurate and robust monitoring. These surveys support the mission and monitoring requirements of Reclamation by collecting the stranding data required to effectively conduct analyses of the effects of regulating Folsom and Nimbus dams on this federally listed species’ critical life stage development and support operational decision making.

  • N: 38.7663      S: 38.4122      E: -121.1202      W: -121.5475
  • edi.1586.2  (Uploaded 2024-09-19)  
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