This dataset contains estimates of gas exchange velocity, gas exchange rate, and hydraulic parameters for streams calculated from tracer-gas experiments and conservative tracer injections collected by the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). All input data were collected by NEON and is available on the NEON data portal at Specifically, the NEON Reaeration field and lab collection data product (DP1.20190.001) was used to calculate these estimates. Gas exchange was estimated in two ways: first, following an unpooled frequentist approach and second, following a partially pooled Bayesian approach. In addition, a salt-correction was applied to gas exchange estimates for sites where it was possible and necessary. All estimates of gas exchange are included in the file gasExchange_ds.csv. A recommended selection of these estimates is included in the dataset (best_k600_mPerDay and best_K600_mPerDay). The stanfit objects used for the partially pooled Bayesian approach are also included as site-specific model objects for gas exchange velocities and rates. In addition, water velocity was calculated from conservative tracer injections, and mean water depth was calculated from these water velocity estimates and measurements of wetted width and water discharge. All hydraulic parameters are included in the file hydraulics_ds.csv. All processing code is available in the reaRates R package.
NEON is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and operated under cooperative agreement by Battelle. This material is based in part upon work supported by NSF through the NEON Program.