The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON; collects water temperature measurements from its seven lake sites using a temperature chain consisting of thermistors measuring at various depths throughout the water column. This data is published as part of the water temperature at specific depth in surface water data product (DP1.20264.001). During 2021, a misconfiguration resulted in gaps in this data.
The multisonde used to measure water quality (DP1.20288.001) also collects water temperature measurements that can potentially be used to fill these gaps. This data is not published by NEON as part of the Level 1 water quality data product because it is not as accurate as the temperature chain derived measurements. The calibration of the multisonde temperature sensor is also factory set and cannot be adjusted.
This data package contains the Level 0 multisonde water temperature data for NEON lake sites in 2021. This is raw data that has not been QA/QC'ed. NEON makes no guarantees about the accuracy of this data.