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  • Growth and survival of seedlings of 14 species of lowland rainforest trees planted in the La Guaria Annex (Canada Plot) of La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, in 1986 and measured every six months or every year until 1992 (Part 1 of 2)
  • Johnson, C. Eric; EDI Fellow; EDI
    Salva Sauri, Melissa; EDI Fellow; EDI
    Gonzalez, Eugenio; Texas A and M Soltis Center for Research and Education
    Vargas Ramirez, Orlando; Director of Science Operations; Organization for Tropical Studies
    McCleaen, Deedra K; Special Consultant on Science and Research; Organization for Tropical Studies
    Braker, Elizabeth; President and CEO; Organization for Tropical Studies
    Castro, Enrique; Organization for Tropical Studies
    Sepulveda, Ana; Organization for Tropical Studies
  • Johnson, C.E., M. Salva Sauri, E. Gonzalez, O. Vargas Ramirez, D.K. McCleaen, E. Braker, E. Castro, and A. Sepulveda. 2020. Growth and survival of seedlings of 14 species of lowland rainforest trees planted in the La Guaria Annex (Canada Plot) of La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, in 1986 and measured every six months or every year until 1992 (Part 1 of 2) ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-29).
  • During the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, Costa Rica’s old growth forests were being cut to clear land for cattle pastures and large-scale agriculture. Timber concessions were also growing pine, gmelina, and other non-native trees for harvesting. The Costa Rican government was developing plans for a reforestation program and for a Payment for Environmental Services program to combat forest loss. At this time there were no data available on the growth of native trees species. The TRIALS project (starting with the CANADA Plot) was designed by OTS (Organization for Tropical Studies) and the DGF (Dirección General Forestal) to measure the growth and survival of native tree seedlings planted on abandoned pasture lands at the La Selva Biological Station. Data from these seedlings formed the basis of the reforestation law and the Payments of Ecosystem Services (PES) plan and this model was replicated in many other areas of Costa Rica.

  • N: 10.44748      S: 10.44658      E: -84.0208      W: -84.0221
  • edi.80.1  (Uploaded 2020-08-22)  
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