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  • Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Household Telephone Survey in support of Locke et al 2019 in PLoS One
  • Locke, Dexter H; National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)
    Grove, Morgan J; USDA Forest Service, Baltimore Field Station
    Polsky, Colin; Florida Atlantic University, Center for Environmental Studies
  • 2019-07-23
  • Locke, D.H., M.J. Grove, and C. Polsky. 2019. Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Household Telephone Survey in support of Locke et al 2019 in PLoS One ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-29).
  • This is a subset of the data found in Grove and Locke (2018), to be included with a 2019 paper in PLoS One. These data contain answers 2011 survey questions:

    In the past year, which of the following has been applied to any part of your yard:

    Water for irrigating grass, plants, or trees? Fertilizers? Pesticides to get rid of weeds or pests?

    The total household annual income (8 ordinal categories), age of respondent (5 ordinal categories), and the answer to

    "About how many neighbors do you know by name?"

    (recorded in 5 ordinal categories). Two additional columns are provided to indicate the metropolitan region of the respondent (one of the following six: Phoenix, Los Angeles, Minneapolis - St. Paul, Baltimore, Boston, or Miami) and the degree of urbanicity in that region (Urban, Suburban, or Exurban).

    See Grove and Locke 2018 for additional details.

    This research is supported by the Macro- Systems Biology Program (US NSF) under Grants EF-1065548, -1065737, -1065740, -1065741, -1065772, -1065785, -1065831, and -121238320 and the NIFA McIntire-Stennis 1000343 MIN-42-051. The work arose from research funded by grants from the NSF LTER program for Baltimore (DEB-0423476); Phoenix (BCS-1026865, DEB-0423704, and DEB-9714833); Plum Island, Boston (OCE-1058747 and 1238212); Cedar Creek, Minneapolis–St. Paul (DEB-0620652); and Florida Coastal Everglades, Miami (DBI-0620409). Edna Bailey Sussman Foundation, Libby Fund Enhancement Award and the Marion I. Wright ‘46 Travel Grant at Clark University, The Warnock Foundation, the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station, Baltimore and Philadelphia Field Stations, and the DC-BC ULTRA-Ex NSF-DEB-0948947 also provided support. Anonymous reviewers supplied constructive feedback that helped to improve this paper. The findings and opinions reported here do not necessarily reflect those of the funders of this research.

    Citations: Grove J.M., Locke, D.H.. (2018). BES Household Telephone Survey. Environmental Data Initiative.

  • Geographic Coordinates
    • N: 39.720585, S: 38.753907, E: -75.866819, W: -77.293825
    • N: 43.478806, S: 41.727696, E: -70.53341, W: -71.862928
    • N: 34.819581, S: 33.415592, E: -117.561505, W: -118.899422
    • N: 26.991107, S: 25.439076, E: -80.037433, W: -80.557543
    • N: 45.716888, S: 44.51794, E: -92.748522, W: -94.257461
    • N: 33.97289, S: 32.597228, E: -110.627283, W: -112.756007
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