Densities of slough crayfish (Procambarus fallax) were collected throughout the Florida Everglades using 1-m2 throw-trapping samples from 1996–2016. Data were collected in four distinct regions within the Everglades (Shark River Slough, Taylor Slough, Water Conservation Area 3A and 3B) and during five seasonal periods each year. Each region consists of a series of sites, and each site consists of 3–5 sampling plots. The plot scale defines the unique sampling unit in the study, and 5–7 replicate throws were conducted at each plot. Corresponding hydrologic data were collected in conjunction with crayfish observations. These data describe antecedent average water depths, along with the duration of previous wet and dry conditions. Antecedent conditions were calculated by using both in situ measurements, as well as model output from the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN). Additional hydrologic data are provided in the LD_0 dataset, which describes daily depths measurements at sampling plots, as well as the length of antecedent complete drying events (LD_0). The length of antecedent dry conditions is assessed in R script FCE1267_01_LD_Depths, while the crayfish modeling code is described in FCE1267_02_Modeling_Code.