We collected leaf litter, periphyton, and soil along freshwater to marine gradients at SRS-2, SRS-4, SRS-6, TS/PH-2, TS/Ph-3, TS/Ph-7a, and TS/Ph-10. Samples were collected in January and April of 2021 to understand how microbial communities respond to and influence the breakdown of organic matter along freshwater to marine transects. Data collection for this project is complete.
For each site and litter pair we collected a subset of 2-3 g wet mass of litter, a grab sample of soil, and a grab sample of periphyton for each site. All subsamples were preserved at -20°C until extraction, which took place up to a year after initial collection. Samples were sent to Novogene (Novogene Co. Ltd., Beijing, China) for the total RNA extraction followed by metatranscriptome sequencing.
We selected n = 12 genes/gene families encoding for focal enzymes to investigate which are important to the breakdown of organic matter: Dioxygenases (associated with aerobic respiration), Sulfatases (associated with the release of sulfates from complex molecules), sulfite reductases (associated with sulfite reduction), methyl coenzyme M reductase and formylmethanofuran (associated with methanogenesis), nitrite reductases (associated with nitrite reduction), cellobiosidase, glucosidase, and xylosidase (associated with cellulose breakdown), phenol oxidase (associated with lignin breakdown), acid phosphatase (associated with phosphate acquisition in acidic environments), and alkaline phosphatase (associated with phosphate acquisition in basic environments). For each gene/family of interest, we searched all annotated transcripts for all entries corresponding to that gene/family and combined all values for a total expression.
We selected n = 6 monophyletic microbial functional groups, representing sulfate reducers, sulfate oxidizers, methane oxidizers, methanogens, nitrite oxidizers, and ammonia oxidizers associated with sulfate and methane cycling. We filtered all annotated transcripts for all species with the following in the name: in the name: ‘desulfo’ for sulfate reducers, ‘sulfito’ for sulfite oxidizers, ‘methylo’ for methyl/methane oxidizers, ‘methano’ for methanogens, ‘nitro’ for nitrite oxidizers, and ‘nitroso’ for aerobic ammonia oxidizers.