This data package contains precipitation measurements collected from a "dipstick" rain gauge (NOAA standard can type) at the LTER Weather Station in the Jornada Basin, southern New Mexico, USA. The primary purpose of this data set is to validate the LTER Weather Station tipping bucket rain gauge data. The dipstick rain gauge (DSRG) data is measured at least weekly during scheduled maintenance trips to the LTER Weather Station to maintain the evaporation pan water levels. During the summer months this may be twice a week. Additionally, DSRG data is collected after any rain event that requires the collection of the Wetfall/Dryfall precipitation buckets which are located about 10 meters from the DSRG. This is usually any amount greater than 0.02 inches. DSRG data is also collected after very small events when personnel are in the vicinity. Rain gauge records at this gauge began in 1992 and the study is ongoing.