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  • Perennial grass recovery following livestock overgazing: an experiment in the Jornada Basin, 1996-2016
  • Havstad, Kris; USDA ARS Jornada Experimental Range (JER)
    Bestelmeyer, Brandon; USDA ARS Jornada Experimental Range (JER)
    Burkett, Laura; USDA ARS Jornada Experimental Range (JER)
    James, Darren; USDA ARS Jornada Experimental Range (JER)
    JRN, Data Manager; Jornada Basin LTER
  • 2019-06-25
  • Havstad, K., B. Bestelmeyer, L. Burkett, D. James, and D. JRN. 2019. Perennial grass recovery following livestock overgazing: an experiment in the Jornada Basin, 1996-2016 ver 3. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-27).
  • The objective of this ongoing study is to determine the effect of cattle grazing and shrub removal on the decline and recovery of perennial grasses in a mesquite-invaded black grama grassland on sandy soils in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. The experiment was implemented as a randomized complete block with 3 levels of grazing (summer, winter, and control) and 2 levels of shrub treatment (shrub removal and control) in each of 3 replicate blocks. The 18 experimental units are 0.5 ha (70 x 70 m) exclosures constructed in a mesquite-invaded black grama grassland in the southwest portion of the Jornada Experimental Range in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, USA. Vegetation sampling was conducted with the line-point intercept method. Initial pre-treatment sampling occurred in 1996. Grazing treatments removed 65-80% of aboveground perennial grass biomass over 24-36 hour periods in each of four years from summer 1996 to winter 2000; shrub removal occurred during this time as well. No livestock grazing or shrub removal have occurred since 2000. Post-treatment sampling occurred in 2002, 2009, and 2016.

  • N: 32.589161      S: 32.589161      E: -106.833181      W: -106.833181
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