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  • Luquillo LTER signature Monthly and Daily dataset
  • Leon, Miguel C; Information Manager; University of New Hampshire
  • 2024-09-04
  • Leon, M.C. 2024. Luquillo LTER signature Monthly and Daily dataset ver 7. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2025-01-01).
  • This dataset contains meteorological, phenological, and chemical data collected from shrimp ecosystems, with a focus on temperature, rainfall, solar radiation, and various chemical measurements. Data spans from 1975 to 2024, with several gaps and missing data points.

    For phenology 17 species were selected for inclusion, listed below. 11 dominant species as described in Uriarte et al 2009 (DOI 10.1890/08-0707.1). As well as in decline species PALRIP- Palicourea riparia and CISVER - Cissus verticillata. Species that show a strong response to hurricanes PHYRIV - Phytolacca rivinoides- an understory herb and IPOTL -Ipomoea tiliacea- Morning glory vine. And a species thriving understory shrub SMIDOM - Smilax domingensis. From Uriarte et al. 2009: # ALCLAT -Alchornea latifolia # CASARB - Casearia arborea # CECSCH - Cecropia schreberiana # DACEXC - Dacryodes excelsa # GUAGUI - Guarea guidonia # INGLAU - Inga laurina # MANBID - Manilkara bidentata # PREMON - Prestoea montana # SCHMOR - Schefflera morototoni # SLOBER - Sloanea berteriana # TABHET - Tabebuia heterophylla # PALRIP - Palicourea riparia

    Support for this work was provided by grants BSR-8811902, DEB-9411973, DEB-9705814 , DEB-0080538, DEB-0218039 , DEB-0620910 , DEB-1239764, DEB-1546686, and DEB-1831952 from the National Science Foundation to the University of Puerto Rico as part of the Luquillo Long-Term Ecological Research Program. Additional support was provided by the USDA Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestry and the University of Puerto Rico.

  • N: 18.8561      S: 17.7569      E: -65.2454      W: -66.2889
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