In an effort to better quantify NPP of Creosotebush in the Five-Points region, it was decided to test the Point-Quarter method against the standard 1-m2 quadrat method that has been in use since 1998. Transects were laid out across the 5 mammal trapping webs as well as across burned and unburned plots of the Mixed Shrub site (MS). Repeated measures of the same bushes are performed seasonally. Whole shrubs of various size classes are collected, sorted, and weighed to develop regressions for biomass.
Purpose: Data was collected initially to determine density and dimensions of creosote bush in the Five points area on core rodent webs and on burned and unburned plots following the 2003 prescribed burn. It was decided to expand the project by continuing measurements through time to quantify the change in shrub size and with simultaneous harvest of shrubs to measure NPP.