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  • Settlement Biomass, Density, and Basal Area Estimates, Midwest US, Level 1
  • Paciorek, Christopher J.; University of California, Berkeley
    Cogbill, Charles; Harvard Forest
    Peters, Jody A.; University of Notre Dame
    McLachlan, Jason S.; University of Notre Dame
    Williams, John W.; University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • 2019
  • Paciorek, C., C. Cogbill, J. Peters, J. McLachlan, and J. Williams. 2019. Settlement Biomass, Density, and Basal Area Estimates, Midwest US, Level 1 ver 0. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-29).
  • We present gridded 8 km-resolution data products of the estimated biomass, stem density, and basal area of tree taxa at the time of Euro-American settlement of the midwestern United States for the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana. The data come from settlement-era Public Land Survey (PLS) data (ca. 0.8-km resolution) of trees recorded by land surveyors. The surveyor notes have been transcribed, cleaned, and processed to estimate biomass and stem density at individual points on the landscape. The point-level data are then aggregated within grid cells and statistically smoothed using a statistical model that accounts for zero-inflated continuous data with smoothing based on generalized additive modeling techniques and approximate Bayesian uncertainty estimates. We expect this data product to be useful for understanding the state of vegetation in the midwestern United States prior to large-scale Euro-American settlement. In addition to specific regional questions, the data product can serve as a baseline against which to investigate how forests and ecosystems change after intensive settlement. The data products (including both raw and statistically smoothed estimates at the 8-km scale) are being made available at the LTER network data portal as version 1.0. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants #DEB-1241874, 1241868, 1241870, 1241851, 1241891, 1241846, 1241856, 1241930.

  • N: 49.75      S: 36.5      E: -82.2      W: -98.6
  • We are using the CC-BY 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International) License. Details of this license can be found here:

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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