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Final Cedar River Watershed Habitat Conservation Plan For the Issuance of a Permit to Allow Incidental Take of Threatened and Endangered Species, City of Seattle, April 2000

General Information
Data Package:
Local Identifier:cos-spu.1.2
Title:Final Cedar River Watershed Habitat Conservation Plan For the Issuance of a Permit to Allow Incidental Take of Threatened and Endangered Species, City of Seattle, April 2000
Alternate Identifier:DOI PLACE HOLDER

The City of Seattle (City) has prepared a multi-species Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to comply with the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA: 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and to address a variety of related natural resource issues. The plan will cover the City’s 90,545-acre Cedar River Municipal Watershed and the City’s water supply and hydroelectric operations on the Cedar River, which discharges into Lake Washington. In general, the City’s HCP is not an HCP for planned development, but rather it is a set of mitigation and conservation commitments related to ongoing water supply, hydroelectric power supply, and watershed management activities.

The HCP is based on a decade of studies and the results of over 5 years of analysis and negotiations with five state and federal agencies as documented in an Agreement in Principle, dated March 14, 1997. The Agreement in Principle addresses not only issues under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) but also related issues under state law and tribal treaties, and issues with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). The ACOE manages lake levels in Lake Washington, and navigational traffic between Lake Washington and Puget Sound, through operation of the Hiram Chittenden Locks (Ballard Locks) and Lake Washington Ship Canal.

The City’s commitments regarding these related issues are included in and are part of this HCP and associated Implementation Agreement (Appendix 1), and the agreements with other agencies are represented in the related draft Instream Flow Agreement and draft Landsburg Mitigation Agreement, which are Appendices 27 and 28 of this HCP, respectively. The Instream Flow Agreement covers minimum and supplemental instream flows, operation of an instream flow commission, supplementation of minimum flows, and water conservation improvements at the Ballard Locks. The Landsburg Mitigation Agreement covers mitigation for the blockage to anadromous fish posed by the Landsburg Diversion Dam, where the City diverts water for municipal and industrial supply, as well as the effects of the intake structure.

The Instream Flow Agreement and the Landsburg Mitigation Agreement are intended to resolve issues about river flows and fish passage at Landsburg related to a variety of interests of the different signatory parties in addition to the ESA.

Although the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (the Tribe) has not signed any of the agreements related to the HCP, the City attempted to address many of the issues raised by the Tribe during negotiations, and the Tribe participated in the development of the proposed instream flows and mitigation for the Landsburg blockage to fish. The City and Services continue to seek the Tribe’s agreement on issues related to instream flows and the blockage to fish passage posed by the City’s Landsburg Diversion Dam.

Publication Date:2024-08-14
For more information:

Time Period

People and Organizations
Contact:Van Buren, Tom (City of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities) [  email ]
Contact:Seattle Public Utilities [  email ]
Creator:Erckmann, Jim (City of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities)
Creator:Flagor, Suzy (City of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities)

Data Entities
Other Name:
Final Cedar River Watershed Habitat Conservation Plan For the Issuance of a Permit to Allow Incidental Take of Threatened and Endangered Species, City of Seattle, April 2000
The City of Seattle (City) has prepared a multi-species Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to comply with the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA: 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and to address a variety of related natural resource issues. The plan will cover the City’s 90,545-acre Cedar River Municipal Watershed and the City’s water supply and hydroelectric operations on the Cedar River, which discharges into Lake Washington. In general, the City’s HCP is not an HCP for planned development, but rather it is a set of mitigation and conservation commitments related to ongoing water supply, hydroelectric power supply, and watershed management activities. The HCP is based on a decade of studies and the results of over 5 years of analysis and negotiations with five state and federal agencies as documented in an Agreement in Principle, dated March 14, 1997. The Agreement in Principle addresses not only issues under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) but also related issues under state law and tribal treaties, and issues with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). The ACOE manages lake levels in Lake Washington, and navigational traffic between Lake Washington and Puget Sound, through operation of the Hiram Chittenden Locks (Ballard Locks) and Lake Washington Ship Canal.
Other Name:
Resource Maps for the Final Cedar River Watershed Habitat Conservation Plan
RESOURCE MAPS FOR THE CEDAR RIVER WATERSHED HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT TO ALLOW INCIDENTAL TAKE OF THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES All of the maps for the Cedar River Watershed Habitat Conservation Plan and the Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Statement are contained in this document. Including a list of data sources used to generate maps from the Cedar River Watershed Geographic Information System. The numbering scheme/order is arranged by map category and does not necessarily reflect the order in which they are discussed in the particular documents.
Other Name:
Final resource maps for Cedar River Habitat Conservation Plan in encapsulated postscript format
Other Name:
Final resource maps for Cedar River Habitat Conservation Plan in JPEG format
Other Name:
All of the maps for the Cedar River Watershed Habitat Conservation Plan and the Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Statement are available in eps or jpeg data format. The numbering scheme/order is arranged by map category and are described here.
Detailed Metadata

Data Entities

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Name:Final Cedar River Watershed Habitat Conservation Plan For the Issuance of a Permit to Allow Incidental Take of Threatened and Endangered Species, City of Seattle, April 2000
Entity Type:application/pdf
Description:The City of Seattle (City) has prepared a multi-species Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to comply with the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA: 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and to address a variety of related natural resource issues. The plan will cover the City’s 90,545-acre Cedar River Municipal Watershed and the City’s water supply and hydroelectric operations on the Cedar River, which discharges into Lake Washington. In general, the City’s HCP is not an HCP for planned development, but rather it is a set of mitigation and conservation commitments related to ongoing water supply, hydroelectric power supply, and watershed management activities. The HCP is based on a decade of studies and the results of over 5 years of analysis and negotiations with five state and federal agencies as documented in an Agreement in Principle, dated March 14, 1997. The Agreement in Principle addresses not only issues under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) but also related issues under state law and tribal treaties, and issues with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). The ACOE manages lake levels in Lake Washington, and navigational traffic between Lake Washington and Puget Sound, through operation of the Hiram Chittenden Locks (Ballard Locks) and Lake Washington Ship Canal.
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:1HCP - Entire Document.pdf
Size:99117438 byte
Authentication:4e377ccef2b27da769a62245b146b858 Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:application/pdf

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Name:Resource Maps for the Final Cedar River Watershed Habitat Conservation Plan
Entity Type:application/pdf
Description:RESOURCE MAPS FOR THE CEDAR RIVER WATERSHED HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT TO ALLOW INCIDENTAL TAKE OF THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES All of the maps for the Cedar River Watershed Habitat Conservation Plan and the Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Statement are contained in this document. Including a list of data sources used to generate maps from the Cedar River Watershed Geographic Information System. The numbering scheme/order is arranged by map category and does not necessarily reflect the order in which they are discussed in the particular documents.
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:Resource_Maps_for_the_Final_Cedar_River_Municipal_Watershed_Habitat_Conservation_Plan.pdf
Size:36061606 byte
Authentication:57bd96584368ff062388f6a1a811f711 Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:application/pdf

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Entity Type:encapsulated postscript
Description:Final resource maps for Cedar River Habitat Conservation Plan in encapsulated postscript format
Physical Structure Description:
Size:13376842 byte
Authentication:f5a2096aa01bbd44f5b89ed6fafcf5a6 Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:application/zip

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Entity Type:application/zip
Description:Final resource maps for Cedar River Habitat Conservation Plan in JPEG format
Physical Structure Description:
Size:33392190 byte
Authentication:825739615f6b40319488eca55c140d15 Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:application/zip

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Entity Type:text/csv
Description:All of the maps for the Cedar River Watershed Habitat Conservation Plan and the Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Statement are available in eps or jpeg data format. The numbering scheme/order is arranged by map category and are described here.
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:Map_Resources_Final_HCP_Inventory.csv
Size:1048 byte
Authentication:f9286a6f141ced1f325a5f73264b2778 Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:text/csv

Data Package Usage Rights

This data package is released to the "public domain" under Creative Commons CC0 1.0 "No Rights Reserved" (see: It is considered professional etiquette to provide attribution of the original work if this data package is shared in whole or by individual components. A generic citation is provided for this data package on the website (herein "website") in the summary metadata page. Communication (and collaboration) with the creators of this data package is recommended to prevent duplicate research or publication. This data package (and its components) is made available "as is" and with no warranty of accuracy or fitness for use. The creators of this data package and the website shall not be liable for any damages resulting from misinterpretation or misuse of the data package or its components. Periodic updates of this data package may be available from the website. Thank you.


By Thesaurus:
City of Seattle Remote WatershedCedar River Municipal Watershed (CRMW)
HCP CategoryWatershed Management, Watershed Research and Monitoring
HCP GroupUpland Reserve Forest Restoration, Watershed Terrestrial Monitoring and Research, Cedar Permanent Dead Storage Project Evaluation, Stream and Riparian Restoration, Watershed Aquatic Monitoring and Research
SPUCity of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities, SPU, King County, Washington, Watershed Management Division, WMD, Natural Resources Section, Hydrology Progam, Wildlife Program, Fish Program, Forest Ecology Program, GIS Program, GIS, Spatial vector, Spatial raster, Image, reference library

Methods and Protocols

These methods, instrumentation and/or protocols apply to all data in this dataset:

Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package

Covered activities for the HCP include activities carried out or authorized by the City on Covered Lands (Section 1.2) and on any additional lands and waters to which the conservation and mitigation measures in the HCP apply. Covered activities include all City operations on the Cedar River in conjunction with its water supply, hydroelectric power generation, and land management activities, including all attendant facilities at the Landsburg Diversion Dam and within the municipal watershed, but not facilities outside the municipal watershed. Seattle Public Utilities manages the water supply, with its attendant facilities, as well as the land in the municipal watershed. Seattle City Light manages the hydroelectric plant, with its attendant facilities, in conjunction with water supply operations. Supply activities include management of the reservoir complex, including the Overflow Dike, which impounds Chester Morse Lake, and the Masonry Dam, which impounds the Masonry Pool to the west of the lake (Map 2; Figure 1.2-2). Water is withdrawn from the Cedar River for municipal and industrial supply, including aquifer recharge, just upstream of the Landsburg Diversion Dam at the water intake operated by Seattle Public Utilities. The intake for the City’s hydroelectric power plant is located at the Masonry Dam, and the plant is located downstream at Cedar Falls, within the municipal watershed. The Masonry Dam, Overflow Dike, and Landsburg Dam are operated conjunctively for water supply, hydroelectric power generation, flood control,and instream flow maintenance. Water supply activities include operation and maintenance of water diversion, water treatment, and fish handling and artificial propagation facilities located at Landsburg.

People and Organizations

Organization:Environmental Data Initiative
Email Address:
Web Address:
Individual: Jim Erckmann
Organization:City of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities
19901 Cedar Falls Road SE,
North Bend, WA 98045 USA
Email Address:
Web Address:
Individual: Suzy Flagor
Organization:City of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities
19901 Cedar Falls Road SE,
North Bend, WA 98045 USA
Email Address:
Web Address:
Individual: Tom Van Buren
Organization:City of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities
19901 Cedar Falls Road SE,
North Bend, WA 98045 USA
Email Address:
Web Address:
Organization:Seattle Public Utilities
700 5th Avenue,
Seattle, WA 98104 USA
Email Address:
Web Address:
Metadata Providers:
Individual: Tom Van Buren
Organization:City of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities
19901 Cedar Falls Road SE,
North Bend, WA 98045 USA
Email Address:
Web Address:

Temporal, Geographic and Taxonomic Coverage

Temporal, Geographic and/or Taxonomic information that applies to all data in this dataset:

Time Period
Geographic Region:
Description:City of Seattle Remote Watersheds
Bounding Coordinates:
Northern:  47.81485074Southern:  47.24425491
Western:  -122.2123175Eastern:  -121.3132675
Geographic Region:
Description:Cedar River Municipal Watershed
Bounding Coordinates:
Northern:  47.49192463Southern:  47.24097306
Western:  -122.0334104Eastern:  -121.3631524


Parent Project Information:

Title:GIS Data Compatibility Study
Individual: Tom VanBuren
Organization:City of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities
Email Address:
Role:Project Manager
Abstract:GIS data compatibility [N54515] For all monitoring and research programs indicated above, the City will integrate data collection formats to make them compatible with watershed GIS systems and provide for mapping and analysis capability. All data collected and incorporated into the GIS system that could support refinement and operation of the modeling efforts proposed below will be collected in a format appropriate for that purpose and compatible with all integrated processing systems to the greatest extent possible. The objective of this program is to provide a systematic and efficient means by which data collection formats, incorporation of data in databases, database management, and integration with modeling efforts can be designed and maintained to maximize the system’s ability to support HCP related management activities. In addition, databases should be updated with the most current and best available information whenever possible from both departmental and appropriate external sources.The cost of this linkage will be up to $50,000 in HCP years 18 and then up to $25,000 in each HCP year interval 915, 1625, 2635, 3650, for a total cost of $150,000.
Additional Award Information:
Funder:City of Seattle
Title:GIS Data Compatibility Study



The Final Cedar River Watershed Habitat Conservation Plan was finalized in 2020.

Other Metadata

Additional Metadata

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EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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