Column Name: Source Station Latitude Longitude Field_coords Date Datetime Depth Sample_depth_surface Sample_depth_nutr_surface Sample_depth_bottom Tide Temperature Temperature_bottom Conductivity Conductivity_bottom Salinity Salinity_bottom Secchi Secchi_estimated TurbidityNTU TurbidityNTU_bottom TurbidityFNU TurbidityFNU_bottom DissolvedOxygen DissolvedOxygen_bottom DissolvedOxygenPercent DissolvedOxygenPercent_bottom pH pH_bottom Microcystis Chlorophyll_Sign Chlorophyll Pheophytin_Sign Pheophytin TotAmmonia_Sign TotAmmonia DissAmmonia_Sign DissAmmonia DissNitrateNitrite_Sign DissNitrateNitrite TotPhos_Sign TotPhos DissOrthophos_Sign DissOrthophos TON_Sign TON DON_Sign DON TKN_Sign TKN TotAlkalinity_Sign TotAlkalinity DissBromide_Sign DissBromide DissCalcium_Sign DissCalcium TotChloride_Sign TotChloride DissChloride_Sign DissChloride DissSilica_Sign DissSilica TOC_Sign TOC DOC_Sign DOC TDS_Sign TDS TSS_Sign TSS VSS_Sign VSS Notes Definition: Survey from which data originated Identifier for the sampling station Latitude where sample was collected Longitude where sample was collected Do the Latitude and Longitude coordinates represent field-collected coordinates at the time of sample collection? Date sample was collected (America/Los_Angeles timezone) Date and time when sample was collected (America/Los_Angeles timezone) Bottom depth at the location the sample was collected. This can be either a depth measured at the time of sample collection or the average water depth for the sampling station, depending on the survey. Depth below surface at which the surface samples were collected Depth below surface of the surface nutrient sample. This is only used for the USGS_SFBS survey, in which nutrients were sometimes collected at a deeper depth than the shallowest water quality samples Depth below surface at which the bottom temperature measurement was taken Tidal stage Surface water temperature Bottom water temperature Surface specific conductivity Bottom specific conductivity Surface salinity Bottom salinity Secchi depth (NOTE data are right censored in certain time periods, since in some cases the disk was still visible at the deepest depth to which it could be extended Was Secchi depth estimated? Surface water turbidity in NTU Bottom water turbidity in NTU Surface water turbidity in FNU Bottom water turbidity in FNU Dissolved oxygen at surface. Dissolved oxygen at bottom. Dissolved oxygen percent at surface. Dissolved oxygen percent at bottom. pH at surface pH at bottom Qualitative abundance of the toxic microalga Microcystis Whether the Chlorophyll value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), estimated ~ (extrapolated at low end), or reported as the measured value =. Chlorophyll-a concentration at surface. For USGS_CAWSC data, if Chlorophyll_Sign is <, this value is equal to the reporting limit and if Chlorophyll_Sign is ~ then this value is estimated (extrapolated at low end). Otherwise this value is the actual measured value. Whether the Pheophytin value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Pheophytin concentration Whether the TotAmmonia value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), estimated ~, or reported as the measured value =. Total Ammonia Whether the DissAmmonia value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), estimated ~, or reported as the measured value =. Dissolved Ammonia. For EMP and USGS_CAWSC data, if DissAmmonia_Sign is <, this value is equal to the reporting limit. For USGS_CAWSC data, if DissAmmonia_Sign is ~ then this value is estimated. Otherwise this value is the actual measured value. Whether the DissNitrateNitrite value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), estimated ~, or reported as the measured value =. Dissolved Nitrate and Nitrite. For EMP and USGS_CAWSC data, if DissNitrateNitrite_Sign is <, this value is equal to the reporting limit. For USGS_CAWSC data, if DissNitrateNitrite_Sign is ~ then this value is estimated. Otherwise this value is the actual measured value. Whether the Total Phosphate value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Total phosphorous Whether the DissOrthophos value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), estimated ~, or reported as the measured value =. Dissolved Ortho-phosphate. For EMP and USGS_CAWSC data, if DissOrthophos_Sign is <, this value is equal to the reporting limit. For USGS_CAWSC data, if DissOrthophos_Sign is ~ then this value is estimated. Otherwise this value is the actual measured value. Whether the Total Organic Nitrogen value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Total organic nitrogen Whether the DON value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Dissolved organic nitrogen Whether the TKN value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen Whether the Total Alkalinity value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Total Alkalinity Whether the Dissolved Bromide value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Dissolved bromide Whether the Dissolved Calcium value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Dissolved calcium Whether the Total Chloride value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Total chloride Whether the Dissolved Chloride value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Dissolved chloride Whether the Dissolved Silica value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Dissolved Silica Whether the TOC value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Total organic carbon Whether the DOC value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Dissolved organic carbon Whether the Total Dissolved Solids value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Total dissolved solids Whether the TSS value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Total suspended solids Whether the VSS value is lower than reported (< because it is below the reporting limit and the reporting limit is used as the value), or reported as the measured value =. Volatile suspended solids Any notes recorded during sampling Storage Type: string string float float string date date float float float float string float float float float float float float string float float float float float float float float float float string string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string float string Measurement Type: nominal nominal ratio ratio nominal dateTime dateTime ratio ratio ratio ratio nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio nominal nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 20mm Definition 20-mm Survey Source
Code Definition Code Baystudy Definition San Francisco Bay Study Source
Code Definition Code DJFMP Definition Delta Juvenile Fish Monitoring Program Source
Code Definition Code EDSM Definition Enhanced Delta Smelt Monitoring Source
Code Definition Code EMP Definition Environmental Monitoring Program Source
Code Definition Code FMWT Definition Fall Midwater Trawl Source
Code Definition Code NCRO Definition North Central Region Office monitoring Source
Code Definition Code SDO Definition Stockton Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Source
Code Definition Code SKT Definition Spring Kodiak Trawl Source
Code Definition Code SLS Definition Smelt Larva Survey Source
Code Definition Code STN Definition Summer Townet Survey Source
Code Definition Code Suisun Definition Suisun Marsh Fish Study Source
Code Definition Code USBR Definition USBR Sacramento Deepwater Shipping Channel Survey Source
Code Definition Code USGS_CAWSC Definition USGS California Water Science Center discrete water quality data Source
Code Definition Code USGS_SFBS Definition USGS San Francisco Bay Survey Source
Code Definition Code YBFMP Definition Yolo Bypass Fish Monitoring Program Source
Definition Identifier for the sampling station
Unit degree Type real Min 37.471667 Max 38.97131
Unit degree Type real Min -122.471667 Max -121.17609
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code TRUE Definition Coordinates were recorded in the field and represent the exact location the sample was collected Source
Code Definition Code FALSE Definition Coordinates were not recorded in the field. These coordinates represent the target location (e.g., location of the fixed sampling station). Source
Format YYYY-MM-DD Precision
Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Precision
Unit meter Type real Min 0 Max 41.1
Unit meter Type real Min 0.070104 Max 1.5
Unit meter Type real Min 0.5 Max 4
Unit meter Type real Min 1.3347192 Max 80
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code Ebb Definition Ebb tide Source
Code Definition Code Flood Definition Flood tide Source
Code Definition Code High Slack Definition High Slack tide Source
Code Definition Code Low Slack Definition Low Slack tide Source
Code Definition Code Overtopping Definition Periods of floodplain inundation that drown out tidal effects. Only used by YBFMP Source
Unit celsius Type real Min 1.32 Max 116
Unit celsius Type real Min 5.28 Max 29.9
Unit microSeimenPerCentimeter Type real Min 5 Max 205476
Unit microSeimenPerCentimeter Type real Min 0 Max 52971
Unit dimensionless Type real Min 0 Max 181.696256246811
Unit dimensionless Type real Min 0 Max 34.9304266427096
Unit centimeter Type real Min 0 Max 5000
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code TRUE Definition Secchi depth was estimated Source
Code Definition Code FALSE Definition Secchi depth was not estimated Source
Unit nephelometricTurbidityUnit Type real Min 0.1 Max 525
Unit nephelometricTurbidityUnit Type real Min 0.1 Max 412.2
Unit formazinNephelometricUnit Type real Min 0.05 Max 2374
Unit formazinNephelometricUnit Type real Min 0.3 Max 208.3
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0 Max 807
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0.2 Max 14.42
Unit dimensionless Type real Min 0 Max 8790
Unit dimensionless Type real Min 65 Max 127.6
Unit dimensionless Type real Min 2.56 Max 13.32
Unit dimensionless Type real Min 6.84 Max 9.03
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 1 Definition absent Source
Code Definition Code Definition Code 3 Definition medium Source
Code Definition Code 4 Definition high Source
Code Definition Code 5 Definition very high Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Code Definition Code ~ Definition The value in the corresponding column is estimated. Source
Unit microgramsPerLiter Type real Min -0.3 Max 498.57
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit microgramsPerLiter Type real Min 0 Max 173
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0.01 Max 2.6
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Code Definition Code ~ Definition The value in the corresponding column is estimated. Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0 Max 6.373185
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Code Definition Code ~ Definition The value in the corresponding column is estimated. Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0.00014007 Max 15.2
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0.01 Max 2.6
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Code Definition Code ~ Definition The value in the corresponding column is estimated. Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0.00371688 Max 2
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0.1 Max 3.4
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0.1 Max 7.6
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0.1 Max 12
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 26 Max 213
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0.01 Max 97
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 1 Max 724
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type natural Min 1 Max 16300
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 2 Max 19400
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0.00060084 Max 73
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0.05 Max 12.3
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 0.05 Max 100
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type natural Min 6 Max 38780
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 1 Max 1070
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code < Definition Below reporting limit. The value in the corresponding column represents the reporting limit, not the actual measured value (since the measured value was below the reporting limit and thus could not be measured). If the value in the corresponding column is NA, the reporting value is unknown and the true value is below it. Source
Code Definition Code = Definition The value in the corresponding column is the true mesasured value because the measured value was at or above the reporting limit Source
Unit milligramsPerLiter Type real Min 1 Max 122
Definition Any notes recorded during sampling
Missing Value Code: Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Time not recorded
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. This is only used for USGS_SFBS data
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl This is only used for FMWT data
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the Chorophyll_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the Pheophytin_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the TotAmmonia_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the DissAmmonia_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the DissNitrateNitrite_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the TotPhos_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the DissOrthophos_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the TON_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the DON_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the TKN_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the TotAlkalinity_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the DissBromide_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the DissCalcium_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the TotChloride_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the DissChloride_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the DissSilica_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the TOC_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the DOC_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the TDS_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the TSS_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured. If the VSS_Sign value is <, then the reporting limit is unknown and this value is below the reporting limit.
Code NA Expl Unknown or not measured
Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods: