Definition: | Name of the site where tree cores were collected. All cores collected from within the same site were grouped for statistical analyses. | Three letter site code used as the first three digits of "core_id" to identify where tree cores were collected. | Species of tree from which tree core was collected. | Three digit code to identify tree from which tree cores were collected (i.e. tree ID). Each tree has a unique tree ID. Tree IDs correspond with d13C, d18O, and RWL data tabes. | Alphabetically assigned identifier of replicate cores collected from the same tree (i.e. first core collected from the tree is core "A", second core collected is core "B" and so on). | Unique identifier of each individual tree core collected. Format is three letters for site - three numbers for tree - single letter for core replicate. | Date that tree core was collected, reported in the format YYMMDD (two digits for year, two digits for month, two digits for day of month). | WGS84 latitude coordinate for tree from which core was collected. | WGS84 longitude coordinate for tree from which core was collected. | Diameter at breast height of tree from which core was collected. Recorded in centimeters. | Diameter at core height (the diameter of the tree at the height at which core was extracted). Recorded in centimeters. | Distance from the ground to point on the trunk of the tree at which tree core was extracted. Recorded in centimeters. | Total height of the tree from which tree core was collected. Measured from where tree roots meet the ground to the highest living part of the tree (i.e. tallest green leaf). Measured in meters using a rangefinder. For some trees, this measurement was estimated due to canopy density. In these cases "~" denotes an estimate height, and "<" denotes less than an absolute height. Both approximations were based on heights of nearby trees that were measurable. | Percent live crown volume estimate from field technician 1. | Percent live crown volume estimate from field technician 2. |
Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Name of the site where tree cores were collected. All cores collected from within the same site were grouped for statistical analyses. |
| Definition | Three letter site code used as the first three digits of "core_id" to identify where tree cores were collected. |
| Definition | Species of tree from which tree core was collected. |
| | Definition | Alphabetically assigned identifier of replicate cores collected from the same tree (i.e. first core collected from the tree is core "A", second core collected is core "B" and so on). |
| Definition | Unique identifier of each individual tree core collected. Format is three letters for site - three numbers for tree - single letter for core replicate. |
| | | | | | | Definition | Total height of the tree from which tree core was collected. Measured from where tree roots meet the ground to the highest living part of the tree (i.e. tallest green leaf). Measured in meters using a rangefinder. For some trees, this measurement was estimated due to canopy density. In these cases "~" denotes an estimate height, and "<" denotes less than an absolute height. Both approximations were based on heights of nearby trees that were measurable. |
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