Data Package: |
Local Identifier: | edi.1225.1 |
Title: | California Blue Oak reproduction and recruitment, Sierra Foothills, 2005-2010 |
Alternate Identifier: | DOI PLACE HOLDER |
Abstract: | Our study examines these potential factors by quantifying reproductive success (numbers of new seedlings and their sizes) and survival and growth of the younger life stages (seedlings and saplings), and by exploring how the timing of grazing, topographical variables, and rainfall limit reproduction, growth, and survival for these life stages, helping to identify potential management and restoration strategies to enhance the population viability of blue oak. We followed a population of blue oak (Quercus douglasii) seedlings and saplings in the Sierra Nevada foothills, measuring adult seed production and initial seedling recruitment (number and size of new seedlings), seedling growth and survival, seedling recruitment to saplings (growing greater than 10 cm in height), and sapling growth and survival. We tested the impacts on these demographic processes of timing and intensity of grazing, light availability, water availability, and individual size. We published our analysis of these data as part of the 8th Oak Woodland Symposium. This data archive contains the underlying data for our analysis plus some data we did not include in our analysis (residual dry matter, photosynthetically active radiation, percent exotic/native cover), including raw data and R and Perl scripts used to format them for analysis, and additional information not included in the conference proceedings.
Publication Date: | 2022-10-03 |
Data Entities |
Data Table Name:
| GrazingResults_2022edit
| Grazing data for each field/pasture - each row corresponds to a particular grazing episode for a set number of days with a set number of animals. The processing code will simplify these into just "leaf on animal grazing effort" and "leaf off animal grazing effort". Note that the Water Year and Season were created manually using conditional formatting based on the definitions of water year and seasons given elsewhere in this archive and based on the year and month. |
Data Table Name:
| MonthlyDataCIMIS_2022edit
| Precipitation in mm for each month, summarized by water year (october-september) and blue oak leaf-off and leaf-on season |
Data Table Name:
| SubPlotDB
| Data on each subplot where seedlings were tagged and rechecked. Residual Dry Matter, Photosynthetically Active Radiation, and Exotic/Native percent cover were only measured once in 2006. |
Data Table Name:
| FocalTreeDB_Tabular
| Reproductive status, soil type, and acorn count for adult focal trees around which seedlings and saplings were surveyed. |
Data Table Name:
| SaplingStatus
| Data for running the statistical models examining sapling survival status |
Data Table Name:
| SaplingIncrement
| Data required for statistical models examining sapling growth |
Data Table Name:
| NewSeedlings
| Data needed to run statistical models exploring the size of new seedlings in a given year of the surveys |
Data Table Name:
| NumberSeedlings
| Data needed for running statistical models exploring the number of seedlings that are newly tagged in a given year. |
Data Table Name:
| SeedlingIncrement
| Data required to run statistical models exploring how seedlings grow from year to year |
Data Table Name:
| SeedlingStatus
| Data required for running statistical models exploring seedling survival status |
Other Name:
| EitzelEtAl_BlueOakRecruitmentReproduction_8thOakSymposium_Final
| Final draft of the paper for the conference proceedings of the 8th Oak Symposium that both describes the methods associated with this dataset and also uses the data in this dataset. This draft is not the version in the Conference Proceedings, but is the final draft created before obtaining a DOI for this dataset. |
Other Name:
| EitzelEtAl_BlueOakRecruitmentReproduction_8thOakSymposium_AdditionalInformation
| Appendix/additional information describing conference paper analysis methods and giving data summaries and distributions (including variables not included in the conference paper). |
Other Name:
| SF_oaks_methods survey
| Original draft describing survey methods |
Other Name:
| SFREC_FocalTrees_Buffer20m
| GIS data with zonal calculations of Topographic Wetness Index and Insolation for each focal tree |
Other Name:
| SFREC_FocalTreesUsed_all
| GIS file with data on Insolation and Topographical Wetness Index for each adult focal tree |
Other Name:
| SeedlingStudyAnalysis2022
| R code that ingests the data tables given in this repository, plus the two dbf files listed as "other entities", assembles them and does a final round of quality control, and generates the results shared in the related conference proceedings paper. |
Other Name:
| RawDataAndPrepCode
| Raw data from oak seedling/sapling surveys and code to create the versions used in the analysis and paper in this archive.
PrepareOakData_2022.R assembles the majority of these files into versions that can be ingested by the analysis code. With these two exceptions:
Perl script that takes grazing data in the form provided by the Research and Extension Center (day in, day out, number of head, pasture) and separates it out by year and month so it can be aggregated into a total number of animal days per month, in the R code.
Raw grazing data from the Research and Extension Center with number of head, date in, and date out. converts this into a form that can be aggregated by month in the R script SeedlingStudyAnalysis2022.R