Column Name: | Year
| Mean_outflow_CY
| Mean_inflow_CY
| Mean_YOLO_CY
| Mean_SAC_CY
| Mean_Export_CY
| Mean_outflow_WY
| Mean_inflow_WY
| Mean_YOLO_WY
| Mean_SAC_WY
| Mean_Export_WY
| Chlorophyll
| DissAmmonia
| DissNitrateNitrite
| DissOrthophos
| Secchi
| Temperature
| FMWT_fish_catch_per_tow_AmericanShad
| FMWT_fish_catch_per_tow_PacificHerring
| FMWT_fish_catch_per_tow_ThreadfinShad
| FMWT_fish_catch_per_tow_NorthernAnchovy
| FMWT_fish_catch_per_tow_DeltaSmelt
| FMWT_fish_catch_per_tow_StripedBass_age0
| FMWT_fish_catch_per_tow_LongfinSmelt
| FMWT_fish_catch_per_tow_Estuarine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| FMWT_fish_catch_per_tow_Marine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| FMWT_fish_biomass_AmericanShad
| FMWT_fish_biomass_PacificHerring
| FMWT_fish_biomass_ThreadfinShad
| FMWT_fish_biomass_NorthernAnchovy
| FMWT_fish_biomass_DeltaSmelt
| FMWT_fish_biomass_StripedBass_age0
| FMWT_fish_biomass_LongfinSmelt
| FMWT_fish_biomass_Estuarine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| FMWT_fish_biomass_Marine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_AmericanShad
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_PacificHerring
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_ThreadfinShad
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_NorthernAnchovy
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_DeltaSmelt
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_StripedBass_age0
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_StripedBass_age1above
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_LongfinSmelt
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_Estuarine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_Marine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_biomass_AmericanShad
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_biomass_PacificHerring
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_biomass_ThreadfinShad
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_biomass_NorthernAnchovy
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_biomass_DeltaSmelt
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_biomass_StripedBass_age0
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_biomass_StripedBass_age1above
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_biomass_LongfinSmelt
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_biomass_Estuarine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| BayStudy_MidwaterTrawl_fish_biomass_Marine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_AmericanShad
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_PacificHerring
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_ThreadfinShad
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_NorthernAnchovy
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_DeltaSmelt
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_StripedBass_age0
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_StripedBass_age1above
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_LongfinSmelt
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_Estuarine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_catch_per_tow_Marine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_biomass_AmericanShad
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_biomass_PacificHerring
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_biomass_ThreadfinShad
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_biomass_NorthernAnchovy
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_biomass_DeltaSmelt
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_biomass_StripedBass_age0
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_biomass_StripedBass_age1above
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_biomass_LongfinSmelt
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_biomass_Estuarine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| BayStudy_OtterTrawl_fish_biomass_Marine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| DJFMP_fish_catch_per_seine_Silverside
| DJFMP_fish_biomass_Silverside
| STN_fish_catch_per_tow_AmericanShad
| STN_fish_catch_per_tow_DeltaSmelt
| STN_fish_catch_per_tow_LongfinSmelt
| STN_fish_catch_per_tow_NorthernAnchovy
| STN_fish_catch_per_tow_PacificHerring
| STN_fish_catch_per_tow_StripedBass_age0
| STN_fish_catch_per_tow_ThreadfinShad
| STN_fish_catch_per_tow_Estuarine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| STN_fish_catch_per_tow_Marine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| STN_fish_biomass_AmericanShad
| STN_fish_biomass_DeltaSmelt
| STN_fish_biomass_LongfinSmelt
| STN_fish_biomass_NorthernAnchovy
| STN_fish_biomass_PacificHerring
| STN_fish_biomass_StripedBass_age0
| STN_fish_biomass_ThreadfinShad
| STN_fish_biomass_Estuarine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| STN_fish_biomass_Marine_pelagic_forage_fishes
| Cladoceran_BPUE
| Herbivorous_Copepods_BPUE
| Mysids_BPUE
| Predatory_Copepods_BPUE
| Rotifers_BPUE
| Cladoceran_CPUE
| Herbivorous_Copepods_CPUE
| Mysids_CPUE
| Predatory_Copepods_CPUE
| Rotifers_CPUE
| Cladoceran_JPUE
| Herbivorous_Copepods_JPUE
| Mysids_JPUE
| Predatory_Copepods_JPUE
| Rotifers_JPUE
| Corbicula_cpue
| Potamocorbula_cpue
| Amphipoda_CPUE
| Amphipoda_BPUE
Definition: | Year of sample collection | Mean outflow by calendar year | Mean inflow by calendar year | Mean Yolo County flow by calendar year | Mean Sacramento County flow by calendar year | Mean export flow by calendar year | Mean outflow by water year | Mean inflow by water year | Mean Yolo County flow by water year | Mean Sacramento County flow by water year | Mean export flow by water year | Chlorophyll a collected 1-meter below water surface. Data below reporting limit was interpolated. | Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (dissolved ammonia + dissolved nitrate nitrite). | Dissolved ammonia collected 1-meter below water surface. Data below reporting limit was interpolated. | Dissolved nitrate nitrite collected 1-meter below water surface. Data below reporting limit was interpolated. | Dissolved orthophosphate collected 1-meter below water surface. Data below reporting limit was interpolated. | Secchi depth of water column. | Temperature measurements collected 1-meter below water surface. Missing data was interpolated. | American Shad abundance from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Pacific Herring abundance from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Threadfin Shad abundance from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Northern Anchovy abundance from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Delta Smelt abundance from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Striped Bass - age 0 abundance from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Longfin Smelt abundance from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Estuarine pelagic forage fish abundance from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Marine pelagic forage fish abundance from the Fall Midwater Trawl | American shad biomass from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Pacific Herring biomass from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Threadfin Shad biomass from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Northern Anchovy biomass from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Delta Smelt biomass from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Striped Bass - age 0 biomass from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Longfin Smelt biomass from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Estuarine pelagic forage fish biomass from the Fall Midwater Trawl | Marine pelagic forage fish biomass from the Fall Midwater Trawl | American Shad abundance from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Pacific Herring abundance from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Threadfin Shad abundance from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Northern Anchovy abundance from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Delta Smelt abundance from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Striped Bass - Age 0 abundance from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Striped Bass - age 1 and above abundance from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Longfin Smelt abundance from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Estuarine pelagic forage fish abundance from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Marine pelagic forage fish abundance from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | American Shad biomass from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Pacific Herring biomass from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Threadfin Shad biomass from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Northern Anchovy biomass from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Delta Smelt biomass from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Striped Bass - age 0 biomass from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Striped Bass - age 1 and above biomass from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Longfin Smelt biomass from the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Estuarine pelagic forage fish biomass the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | Marine pelagic forage fish biomass the Bay Study Midwater Trawl | American Shad abundance from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Pacific Herring abundance from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Threadfin Shad abundance from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Northern Anchovy abundance from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Delta Smelt abundance from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Striped Bass - age 0 abundance from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Striped Bass - age 1 and above abundance from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Longfin Smelt abundance from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Estuarine pelagic forage fish abundance from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Marine pelagic forage fish abundance from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | American Shad biomass from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Pacific Herring biomass from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Threadfin Shad biomass from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Northern Anchovy biomass from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Delta Smelt biomass from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Striped Bass - age 0 biomass from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Striped Bass - age 1 and above biomass from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Longfin Smelt biomass from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Estuarine Pelagic Forage Fish biomass from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Marine pelagic forage fish biomass from the Bay Study Otter Trawl | Silverside abundance from the Delta Juvenile Fish Monitoring Program | Silverside biomass from the Delta Juvenile Fish Monitoring Program | American Shad abundance from the Summer Townet Survey | Delta Smelt abundance, in fish catch per tow, from the Summer Townet Survey | Longfin Smelt abundance from the Summer Townet Survey | Northern Anchovy abundance from the Summer Townet Survey | Pacific Herring abundance from the Summer Townet Survey | Striped Bass - age 0 abundance from the Summer Townet Survey | Threadfin Shad abundance from the Summer Townet Survey | Estuarine pelagic forage fish abundance from the Summer Townet Survey | Marine pelagic forage fish abundance from the Summer Townet Survey | American shad biomass from the Summer Townet Survey | Delta Smelt biomass from the Summer Townet Survey | Longfin Smelt biomass from the Summer Townet Survey | Northern Anchovy biomass from the Summer Townet Survey | Pacific Herring biomass from the Summer Townet Survey | Striped Bass - age 0 biomass from the Summer Townet Survey | Threadfin Shad biomass from the Summer Townet Survey | Estuarine pelagic forage fish biomass from the Summer Townet Survey | Marine pelagic forage fish biomass from the Summer Townet Survey | Cladoceran abundance in biomass per unit effort | Herbivorous copepod abundance in biomass per unit effort | Mysid abundance in biomass per unit effort | Predatory copepod abundance in biomass per unit effort | Rotifer abundance in biomass per unit effort | Cladoceran abundance in catch per unit effort | Herbivorous copepod abundance in catch per unit effort | Mysid abundance in catch per unit effort | Predatory copepod abundance in catch per unit effort | Rotifer abundance in catch per unit effort | Cladoceran abundance in joule per unit effort | Herbivorous copepod abundance in joule per unit effort | Mysid abundance in joule per unit effort | Predatory copepod abundance in joule per unit effort | Rotifer abundance in joule per unit effort | Corbicula abundance in catch per unit effort | Potamocorbula abundance in catch per unit effort | Amphipoda abundance in catch per unit effort | Amphipoda abundance in biomass per unit effort |
Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | | | | | | Unit | microgramPerLiter | Type | real |
| Unit | milligramPerLiterAsNitrogen | Type | real |
| Unit | milligramPerLiterAsNitrogen | Type | real |
| Unit | milligramPerLiterAsNitrogen | Type | real |
| Unit | milligramPerLiterAsPhosphorous | Type | real |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Unit | countPerSeine | Type | real |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Unit | biomassPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | biomassPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | biomassPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | biomassPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | biomassPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | catchPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | catchPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | catchPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | catchPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | catchPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | joulePerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | joulePerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | joulePerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | joulePerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | joulePerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | catchPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | catchPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | catchPerUnitEffort | Type | real |
| Unit | biomassPerUnitEffort | Type | real |