All total phosphorus data were collected from lake surface, from lake epilimnia, or from integrated samples during fall overturn (in the case of Norwegian lakes). We kept data from lakes where there were a minimum of 8 years with observations from 1998-2017, and where median TP over that period was less than 24 µg/L. All total phosphorus data were analyzed using standard methods, but data collection strategies differed. A brief description of each sampling program is included below.
Finnish Environment Institute (SKYE):
Regular monitoring of air pollution and climate change impacts on reference lakes in Finland started in 1990. The monitoring program has been carried out by Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) including 26 small headwater lakes. All the lakes are located in forested or arctic hill areas distributing throughout the whole country from South to North Finland and have no or only a little direct human disturbance. Most of the lakes belong to international monitoring programs (UNECE ICP Waters, UNECE Integrated Monitoring, EU National Emission Ceilings, LTER Finland). Water samples were taken from the deepest point of each lake during the winter, spring, summer and autumn. As part of the basic monitoring programme for the lakes one sample during thermal winter stratification (March in South, April in North Finland), 1-2 samples during the spring flows (spring thermal overturn) (April–May in South, May–June in North), 1-2 samples during thermal summer stratification (June-August) and two samples during the autumn thermal overturn (September–November) were taken. The chemical analyses were performed by the laboratories of Environmental Administration according to standard methods.
Turkey Lakes, Ontario
The Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW) is 1 of 5 hydrologically "calibrated" basins in eastern Canada that were originally devoted to process-oriented research into "acid rain" effects. They were selected to cover a wide range of climatic and hydrological conditions, deposition magnitudes, and terrain characteristics. Batchawana Lake is the headwater (highest elevation) lake in the TLW. It has two distinct basins, north and south (L1 and L2). Norberg Creek flows out of Batchawana Lake South and traverses a large change in elevation (497-388 meters above mean sea level) prior to entering Wishart Lake (L3). Norberg Creek then continues through Little Turkey Lake (L4) and Turkey Lake (L5) and finally discharges into the Batchawana River and ultimately Lake Superior. The data associated to this page are separated into archival data from 1980 to 2006, and then data from 2006 to 2019.
The lakes range from 5.9 hectares (Batchawana North), 5.8 hectares (Batchawana South), 19.2 hectares (Wishart), 19.2 hectares (Little Turkey), to 52 hectares (Turkey) in area, and from 4.5 m (Wishart), 10.9 m (Batchawana South), 11.3 m, (Batchawana North), 13 m (Little Turkey) to 37 m (Turkey) in depth. Stations for monitoring chemical and physical characteristics are situated at the deepest point in each lake. The coordinates of each lake are: L1 - 47°04'00.6"N, 84°23'36.4"W L2 - 47°03'50.7"N, 84°23'30.0"W L3 - 47°03'01.2"N, 84°24'00.3"W L4 - 47°02'35.3"N, 84°24'28.8"W L5 - 47°02'55.9"N, 84°25'21.2"W The lakes are considered "dimictic" (i.e. experiencing complete mixing of the water column in spring and autumn), although spring mixing is sometimes incomplete. Thermal stratification develops in Batchawana, Little Turkey and Turkey Lakes during summer and winter each year. Due to Wishart Lake's shallow nature, wind-induced mixing generally prevents thermal stratification. The sediments and undisturbed bottom waters of the lakes exert a dissolved oxygen (DO) demand resulting in reduced bottom water DO during periods of thermal stratification and even anoxia in the case of Batchawana and Little Turkey Lakes. There is a gradient in the pH and major element chemistry of the lakes. Thin soils devoid of calcium carbonate dominate higher elevations in the TLW while lower elevations have thicker soils with a small amount of calcium carbonate. As a result, waters draining into and out of Batchawana Lake have calcium and alkalinity concentrations that are approximately half those observed in Turkey Lake. Alkalinity is a measure of a lake's ability to neutralize acid. Hence Batchawana Lake is more sensitive to the effects of acid rain than Turkey Lake. In contrast to calcium and alkalinity, sulphate concentrations (an indicator of acid rain input) are almost equal in Batchawana Lake and Turkey Lake. Lake water phosphorus concentrations are low (6-8 mg/L), and as is the case with most lakes, phosphorus availability limits algal growth in the TLW. Nitrogen varies irregularly between lakes, but concentrations (particularly nitrate) exhibit a pronounced annual cycle. The seasonal pattern observed for nitrate indicates that nitrogen-based acidification is more important in the TLW than in any of the other sites in eastern Canada (Lac Laflamme, Plastic, ELA and Kejimkujik). The Climate Change and Air Pollution (CCAP) program was established in 2016 to identify the severity and extent of adverse impacts of current and future air emissions on aquatic ecosystems to support regulatory actions and policy development. The program includes a number of components, including identifying, monitoring and defining air quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) concerns; improving our understanding of the short- and long-term effects of atmospheric pollutants on the environment; developing a plan to combat climate change; and monitoring and reducing both domestic and transboundary emissions of GHGs. The program is also responsible for identifying and studying emerging issues including multipollutant impacts, major urban sources, and effects of increasing heat on air pollutant formation, among others. On-going cooperation and support with the Provinces and Territories, international governments and organizations and academia are vital to deliver these priorities to Canadians. Supporting Projects: Climate Change and Air Pollutants (CCAP)
Swedish Lakes
The Swedish lakes used in this monitoring program were taken from the "Trend Lakes" and "Reference Lakes" subsets of the Swedish lake monitoring program. These lakes are sampled multiple times per year, beginning in the 1980's (for most lakes). Surface samples are taken for TP analysis. A more detailed description can be found in this publication:
Fölster, J., Johnson, R.K., Futter, M.N. et al. The Swedish monitoring of surface waters: 50 years of adaptive monitoring. AMBIO 43 (Suppl 1), 3–18 (2014).
and all TP data are available through the monitoring program website (in Swedish):
Norwegian Data
The data in this analysis are obtained from a Norwegian lake monitoring program
where 70 lakes covering the Norway mainland have been sampled annually from 1986 to 2022. These lakes
represent acid sensitive, headwater lakes on granitic or gneissic bedrock with negligible local pollution sources.
Water samples were collected at the outlet after the autumn circulation period and analysed at the Norwegian
Institute of Water Research
Maine (USA) data
Data from Maine Lakes are collected by several monitoring programs coordinated by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, some of which are collected by Volunteers. TP data used here are surface samples. A description of the Maine Lakes monitoring methods can be found here:
and a direct link to the TP dataset is here:
The data on Vermont lakes presented here is collected by the Lay Monitoring Program run by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. A description of the program methods can be found here:
The lay monitoring program collects integrated water samples; in this study, only samples with integrated depths less than or equal to 3 m were used, to ensure that measurements reflected epilimnion concentrations and were comparable to other regions.
IISD Experimental Lakes Area, Ontario
Samples for lake total phosphorus used in this study were integrated across the epilimnion, or across the entire water column if fully mixed. Raw data over longer timescales and for additional variables are available from the data source upon request, through this website:
Environment Canada
Epilimnion total phosphorus data for lakes in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia were accessed through the Environment Canada data portal, available online here:
North Temperate Lakes Long-term Ecological Research station (NTL LTER)
Surface mixed layer total phosphorus data were accessed from the core nutrient sampling program of the NTL LTER, published as a dataset here:
Carpenter, S., J. Kitchell, J. Cole, and M. Pace. 2022. Cascade Project at North Temperate Lakes LTER Core Data Nutrients 1991 - 2016 ver 4. Environmental Data Initiative. Accessed 2022-12-21.
Dorset Lakes, Ontario
The Dorset Lakes total phosphorus data was collected by the Dorset Lakes Environmental Research Centre, and consists of 9 headwater lakes, with data also available from lake catchments, beginning in the 1970s. A description of the monitoring program can be found in a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, here:
Norman D Yan, Andrew M Paterson, Keith M Somers, and Wolfgang A Scheider. An introduction to the Dorset special issue: transforming understanding of factors that regulate aquatic ecosystems on the southern Canadian Shield. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 65(5): 781-785.
Meteorological data were produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ERA-5 Land Monthly data product.