In December 2012, a YSI Series 6:6920 v2 (Yellow Springs, OH, USA)
sonde was placed at Bridge 1 (37.210125, -80.445106) within the StREAM
Lab at Stroubles Creek to continuously record water quality parameters
every 15 min. The water quality parameters included: battery voltage
(volts), dissolved oxygen (mg/L, %), pH, conductivity
(microsiemens/cm), turbidity (NTU), temperature (degrees C).
Additionally, a CS450 (Campbell Scientific Inc., Logan, UT, USA)
pressure transducer was installed to continuously-record stream stage
height (m) every 10 min. Discharge was calculated at Bridge 1 based on
a known stage-discharge relationship or rating curve established by
StREAM Lab (EQ1, EQ2).
EQ1. If 0 m < x < 0.7 m, then y = 4.8292x^1.9887 EQ2. If x >
0.7 m, then y = 13.559x - 7.0945
The YSI sonde and CS pressure transducer were calibrated as outlined
in the user manuals approximately every two weeks, dependent on
weather. The continuous water quality and stage/discharge datasets
from 2012-2018 were cycled through a scrutinous quality assurance (QA)
and quality control (QC) process to flag suspect data. The following
three flags were processed: (1) instrument malfunction, (2) sonde
calibration days, and (3) sensor not in water (low flow). Data were
also filtered for duplicate data entries and NaN values.
INSTRUMENT MALFUNCTION: Sensor data were flagged as suspect based on
known sonde limitations, sensor error codes, or feasibility of the
recorded value being accurate. Sensors were flagged for instrument
malfunction (flag of 1) according to the following values: Water level
and discharge data were flagged if the water level was greater than 4
m, as this indicates overtopping of the banks of Stroubles Creek and
renders the stage-discharge relationships inaccurate for calculating
discharge. Temperature data were flagged if reported as below 5
degrees C or above 30 degrees C. Conductivity data were flagged if
negative. pH data were flagged if below 0 or above 14. Percent
saturation of dissolved oxygen data were flagged if negative or above
150%. Milligrams per liter of dissolved oxygen data were flagged if
negative or above 18 mg/L. Battery voltage data were flagged if below
11 or above 13, as this represents sub-optimal battery function which
could potentially compromise sonde water quality readings. Sensor
error codes on the pressure transducer and water quality sondes result
in readings of -9999. These readings were also flagged for instrument
SONDE CALIBRATION DAYS: The YSI sonde and CS pressure transducer were
calibrated as outlined in the user manuals approximately every two
weeks, dependent on weather. While calibration typically only involves
removing the sonde from the water for one or two hours at most, and
occasionally not all sensors were re-calibrated on every calibration
day, all data from calibration days have been flagged for all sensors
as a precaution (flag of 2). Calibration days in 2016 were not
recorded and are not flagged in the dataset. This flag only applies to
the water quality dataset, not the stage and discharge dataset.
LOW FLOW: After sonde deployment, it was determined that due to low
base flow in Stroubles Creek, certain water quality sensors were not
constantly submerged in water, compromising water quality data values.
Specifically, the stage for annual low base flow in Stroubles Creek is
~0.13 m, while the turbidity sensor on the water quality sonde rests
at 0.16 m, the pH sensor rests at 0.2 m, and the conductivity sensor
rests at 0.26 m. To flag water quality sensor data that were recorded
while the sonde was likely out of the water, stage data were
interpolated to produce records every fifteen minutes to align with
the water quality sonde records, and the datasets were merged by
meridian offset time. Sensor data that were recorded when the stage
was below the height of the sensor were flagged (flag of 3). This flag
only applies to the water quality dataset, not the stage and discharge
YSI Series 6 6920 v2 Water Quality Sonde (January 2013- December 2018)
CS450 Pressure Transducer (January 2013- December 2018)