Initial deployment of the weather station on October 20, 2009 utilized a HOBO U30 data logger ( with six probes: wind speed (S-WSB-M003), gust speed (S-WSB-M003), air temperature (S-THC-M002), relative humidity (S-THC-M002), dew point (S-THC-M002), and soil moisture (S-SMA-M005). With datetime and battery voltage, there are eight fields in the data file. On November 4, 2009, a solar radiation probe (S-LIB-M003) began operation resulting in nine field in the data file. Three soil temperature probes (S-TMB-M006, at 0, 2, and 5 cm depth) began operation on December 8, 2009. From December 8, 2009 on there are thus twelve fields reported at each time interval (date/time and the above eleven parameters). Data files were continuously available online through HOBOLink until October 3, 2016, when the communication protocol changed. After October 3, 2016, only manual download of data was supported. An RX3000 data logger replaced the U30 data logger on July 19, 2017. The temperature/RH probe was replaced, but all other probes remained the same. The 10 cm soil temperature probe ceased functioning after this deployment. The RX3000 data logger stopped logging on 2022-12-19. Data files from 2009 to 2022 were downloaded from HOBOlink as comma delimited data files. These files were concatenated with a standard order of probes to produce a single data file, “AllNW2009_2022.csv”.