Lab SampleDate SampleTime StationCode OrigName Name Kingdom Phylum Class AlgalGroup Genus Species Organisms_per_mL AverageBiovolume AverageBiovolume_per_mL GALD Colony_or_FilamentGroupCode Shape QualityCheck Column Name: Lab SampleDate SampleTime StationCode OrigName Name Kingdom Phylum Class AlgalGroup Genus Species Organisms_per_mL AverageBiovolume AverageBiovolume_per_mL GALD Colony_or_FilamentGroupCode Shape QualityCheck Definition: which lab the data was analyzed at date of sampling event time of sampling event name of station sampled at the originally recorded name of the specimen currently accepted name of the specimen the kingdom of the specimen the phylum of the specimen the class of the specimen the algal group of the specimen the genus of the specimen the species of the specimen organisms (in natural units) per mL average biovolume of the specimen average biovolume per mL the greatest axial linear dimension the colony or filament group code the shape of the specimen notes any quality control issues Storage Type: string dateTime string string string string string string string string string string float float float float string string string Measurement Type: nominal dateTime nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio nominal nominal nominal Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code BSA Definition BSA Labs Source
Code Definition Code EcoAnalysts Definition EcoAnalysts Labs Source
Format YYYY-MM-DD Precision
Definition time of sampling event
Definition name of station sampled at
Definition the originally recorded name of the specimen
Definition currently accepted name of the specimen
Definition the kingdom of the specimen
Definition the phylum of the specimen
Definition the class of the specimen
Definition the algal group of the specimen
Definition the genus of the specimen
Definition the species of the specimen
Unit organismsPerMilliLiter Type real
Unit cubicMicrons Type real
Unit cubicMicronsPerMilliLiter Type real
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code c Definition colony Source
Code Definition Code f Definition filament Source
Code Definition Code i Definition individual cell Source
Definition the shape of the specimen
Definition notes any quality control issues
Missing Value Code: Code NA Expl no time recorded
Code NA Expl current name and original name are the same
Code NA Expl no kingdom recorded
Code NA Expl no phylum recorded
Code NA Expl no class recorded
Code NA Expl no algal group recorded
Code NA Expl organisms per mL not recorded
Code NA Expl average biovolume not recorded
Code NA Expl average biolvolume per mL not recorded
Code NA Expl no GALD recorded
Code NA Expl colony/filament code not recorded
Code NA Expl no shape defined
Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods: