These methods, instrumentation and/or protocols apply to all data in this dataset:Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package |
Description: | 1) All indicators were resampled to a hexagonal grid of 100 ha resolution covering the land area of Germany, Projection: ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N (EPSG: 25832) (Perić et al., 2022: Geografisches hexagonales Gitter mit 1 Quadratkilometer Zellengröße...)
| Data Source | |
| | Description: | 2) Land cover features were obtained from the Basic Digital Landscape Model of the Official Topographic Cartographic Information System of Germany (ATKIS Basic DLM) provided by the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, publication year 2017 (BKG, 2017). For each hexagon, the proportion of land cover features of interest were calculated and then attributed to six land cover classes: arable land, permanent crops and horticulture, grassland, forests, settlements (built-up areas for industry and commerce), semi-natural habitats (heaths, bogs, swamps, wetlands, small woody habitats, wasteland).
| Data Source | |
| | Description: | 3) The Shannon diversity (sh_div) was calculated for each hexagonal grid cell using the proportion of 15 land cover classes to describe the diversity of land cover. The Shannon diversity was calculated based on ATKIS Basic DLM objects (BKG, 2017) using the function ‘diversity’ from R-package ‘vegan’ version 2.5-7.
Calculation of edge density (edge_den) and mean patch size (patch_size) was based on land cover features classified as farmland (arable land, grassland, permanent crops and horticulture). Edge density was obtained by summing up the total length (m) of all farmland feature edges within each hexagon. The length was corrected for the size of the hexagon and the coverage of the ATKIS Basic DLM (BKG, 2017) to obtain values in the unit m/ha.
Mean patch size was calculated by averaging sizes of all farmland features that intersected the corresponding hexagon. To avoid that extreme mean patch sizes distort the cluster analysis, we set the maximum of mean patch size to 148 ha, which corresponds 99th percentile of the distribution.
Hexagons that did not intersect farmland polygons got empty values for edge density and patch size and were excluded from the cluster analysis.
| Data Source | |
| | Description: | 4) Yield dependent variable input costs (vc) were obtained from the Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e.V. (KTBL, 2020: Standarddeckungsbeiträge) and from the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (BLfL, 2020: Deckungsbeiträge und Kalkulationsdaten) for machinery. Data on natural yields were provided for the main crops by the German statistical office (DeStatis, var. years: Fachserie. 3, Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei. Reihe 33, Landwirtschaftliche Bodennutzung und pflanzliche Erzeugung") for the main crops and by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE, var. years: Milcherzeugung und -verwendung) for milk yield per dairy cow at the spatial resolution of counties. Data on the distribution of the main agricultural production systems at the municipality level were obtained from Neuenfeld et al., 2020: Thünen-Agraratlas.
For the analysis, we used the land-use data for 2016 and for the cost data the 5-year annual average for the period 2014-2018. For this study we did not consider labour costs.
We differentiated variable costs for five major production systems based on the farming typology used in the farm accountancy data network (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1242/2008). The following systems were differentiated:
(vc_arable) Arable cash crops (including cereals, legumes, potatoes, sugar beets, field vegetables, oil rape seed, forage crops).
(vc_perm) Permanent crops and horticulture (including fruits, grapevines, hops, horticultural products, short rotation forestry).
(vc_pig_poultry) Pig and poultry farming.
(vc_dairy) Dairy farming and intensive beef fattening (including: dairy cows, bulls, corn for biogas production). Costs associated to the production of heifers, grass, hey and silage are attributed to this type.
(vc_extens) Extensive livestock farming (including pasture management of suckler cows, sheep, goats and horses).
To avoid distortion of the cluster analysis values for variable costs exceeding the value of the 99th percentile were set to the 99th-percentile value. This step was necessary for all production systems except for arable cash crops (vc_arable).
| Data Source | | Data Source | | Data Source | | Data Source | | Data Source | |
| | | | | | Description: | 5) Climate data were obtained from the Climate Data Center of the German Weather Service (DWD, 2020) for the years 2000 to 2019. The following indicators were calculated using grid-based data on monthly mean temperatures and monthly potential evapotranspiration (resolution: 1 square-km):
(annual_temp) Mean annual temperature,
(temp_seas) temperature seasonality (i.e. the difference between monthly means of July and January),
(transp_mar) potential evapotranspiration of March.
| Data Source | | Data Source | |
| | | Description: | 6) For describing topographic relief heterogeneity, the Terrain Ruggedness Index was used. The calculation of the Terrain Ruggedness Index was based on the digital terrain model at a resolution of 200 m (DGM200) provided by the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG, 2019) and conducted using the RGDAL function in QGIS version 3.4.15.
| Data Source | |
| | Description: | 7) Masking: Hexagons were excluded from cluster analysis if they matched one of the following criteria:
a) Hexagons at national borders that covered less than 20% of the German territory
b) Hexagons with missing values for any indicator
c) Hexagons that contained less than 5 % of hexagon area covered by arable land, grassland, permanent crops and horticulture, and semi-natural habitats (see step 1))
The masked hexagons were classified by the proportion of land cover features as follows: Urban (X1): > 50 % settlements, Forests (X2): > 75 % Forests, Others(X3): all remaining hexagons.
| Description: | 8) Cluster analysis for typification: All indicators were z-transformed to zero mean and standard deviation of 1 before clustering. Clustering was done using k-medians, a partitioning algorithm implemented in the R package 'flexclust'. We used the ‘stepFlexclust’ function implemented in 'flexclust' using a cluster number of k = 8.