Definition: | Name code of the Nutrient Network Site | Continent that the site is on | Country the site is found in | Habitat type | Name of the Nutrient Network Site | elevation of the site | Latitude of the site | longitude of the site | Potential evapotranspiration | Annual Mean Temperature | Range in mean diurnal temperature | Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7) (×100) | Seasonality in temperature | maxmimum temperature | minimum temperature | Range in annual mean temperature | Mean temperature of wettest quarter | Mean temperature of driest quarter | Mean temperature of warmest quarter | Mean temperature of coldest quarter | Mean annual precipitation | Mean precipitation of the wettest month | Mean precipitation of the driest month | Seasonality in precipitation (Coefficient of variation) | Mean precipitation of the wettest quarter | Mean precipitation of the driest quarter | Mean precipitation of the warmest quarter | Mean precipitation of the coldest quarter | Soil percent nitrogen | Soil phosphorus content | Soil pH | First year of nutrient treatment | most recent year of nutrient treatment | Age of the plot at time of data collection | Number of blocks on the site | Percent of species on site with available genome size data |
Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Name code of the Nutrient Network Site |
| Definition | Continent that the site is on |
| Definition | Country the site is found in |
| | Definition | Name of the Nutrient Network Site |
| | | | | | | | Unit | standard deviation x 100 | Type | real |
| | | | | | | | Unit | millimeter | Type | integer |
| Unit | millimeter | Type | integer |
| Unit | millimeter | Type | integer |
| Unit | Coefficient of Variation | Type | real |
| Unit | millimeter | Type | integer |
| Unit | millimeter | Type | integer |
| Unit | millimeter | Type | integer |
| Unit | millimeter | Type | integer |
| | | | | | Definition | Age of the plot at time of data collection |
| | |