Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package |
Description: | Sap flux density probes were installed in three trees of low, medium, and high visual effects of BLD and run from August 12, 2021 to August 27, 2021.
Description: | Sap flux probes used the Granier constant heat dissipation method (Čermák et al 1973), which involves embedding a T-Type thermocouple into two hypodermic needles that are inserted into the xylem.
Description: | One of the needles has a heating wire wrapped around it, serving as the heat source for the measurement of heat dissipation.
Description: | The needles were inserted into a 31 mm deep pre-drilled hole at breast height, approximately 1.4 m above the soil surface.
Description: | The heated probe was inserted in a hole located 10 cm directly above the reference probe.
Description: | After insertion of the probes, silicone caulk was applied to seal off any gaps that could be left from the hole so as to prevent heat escape.
Description: | Mylar wrap was stapled onto the trees around the probe to prevent solar radiation from affecting the measurements.
Description: | The probes were logged every 30 seconds with the Mayfly data logger, an Arduino-based microprocessor and data logging components.