Definition: | pixel-wise median blue reflectance divided by median green reflectance | pixel-wise median blue reflectance divided by median NIR reflectance | pixel-wise median blue reflectance divided by median red reflectance | pixel-wise median blue reflectance divided by median SWIR1 reflectance | pixel-wise median blue reflectance divided by median SWIR2 reflectance | median blue reflectance value | minimum blue reflectance value | standard deviation of blue reflectance | cloud cover of the scene from raw Landsat metadata (percentage) | cloud cover of the scene over land from raw Landsat metadata (percentage) | pixel-wise median green reflectance divided by median NIR reflectance | pixel-wise median green reflectance divided by median red reflectance | pixel-wise median green reflectance divided by median SWIR1 reflectance | pixel-wise median green reflectance divided by median SWIR2 reflectance | median green reflectance value | minimum green reflectance value | standard deviation of green reflectance | OLI landsat metadata image quality; worst = 0 to best = 9 | TIRS landsat metadata image quality; worst = 0 to best = 9 | median 3-band value of the KIVU algorithm for chlorophyll retrieval on a pixel-wise basis | Landsat scene ID | pixel-wise median NIR reflectance divided by median SWIR1 reflectance | pixel-wise median NIR reflectance divided by median SWIR1 reflectance | median NIR reflectance value | minimum NIR reflectance value | standard deviation of NIR reflectance | number of lake pixels included in the median reflectance calculations | pixel-wise median red reflectance divided by median NIR reflectance | pixel-wise median red reflectance divided by median SWIR1 reflectance | pixel-wise median red reflectance divided by median SWIR2 reflectance | median red reflectance value | minimum red reflectance value | standard deviation of red reflectance | satellite name | ISO 8601 string of time of satellite observation | pixel-wise median SWIR1 reflectance divided by median SWIR2 reflectance | median SWIR1 reflectance value | minimum SWIR1 reflectance value | standard deviation of SWIR1 reflectance | median SWIR2 reflectance value | minimum SWIR2 reflectance value | standard deviation of SWIR2 reflectance | WRS path number of scene | WRS row number of scene | unique lake identifier from the LAGOS-US research platform | calendar date of landsat overpass in YYYY-MM-DD format | calendar date of in situ water chemistry measurement in YYYY-MM-DD format | Median dissolved organic carbon (mgL, milligrams per liter) from LAGOS-US LIMNO Median chlorophyll a concentration (ugL, micrograms per liter) from LAGOS-US LIMNO Median apparent water color (pcu, platinum cobalt units) from LAGOS-US LIMNO Median true water color (pcu, platinum cobalt units) from LAGOS-US LIMNO Median Secchi depth (m, meters) from LAGOS-US LIMNO Median total suspended solids (mgL, milligrams per liter) from LAGOS-US LIMNO Median turbidity (NTU, nephelometric turbidity units) from LAGOS-US LIMNO Difference in calendar days between the satellite overpass and in situ water chemsitry measurement | Median chlorophyll a concentration (ugL, micrograms per liter) from LAGOS-US LIMNO | Median true water color (pcu, platinum cobalt units) from LAGOS-US LIMNO | Median Secchi depth (m, meters) from LAGOS-US LIMNO | Median total suspended solids (mgL, milligrams per liter) from LAGOS-US LIMNO | Median turbidity (NTU, nephelometric turbidity units) from LAGOS-US LIMNO | Difference in calendar days between the satellite overpass and in situ water chemsitry measurement |
Measurement Values Domain: | Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| | | Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 9 | Definition | OLI Image Quality of 9 (highest value) | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 9 | Definition | TIRS Image Quality of 9 (highest value) | Source | |
| | | Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| | Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | LANDSAT_7 | Definition | Landsat 7 | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | LANDSAT_8 | Definition | Landsat 8 | Source | |
| Format | YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss | Precision | |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| Unit | surface reflectance | Type | real |
| | | | Format | YYYY-MM-DD | Precision | |
| Format | YYYY-MM-DD | Precision | |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real |
| Unit | microgramPerLiter | Type | real |
| Unit | platinum cobalt units | Type | real |
| | Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real |
| Unit | nephelometric turbidity units | Type | real |
| |