Definition: | Birth year of a delta smelt cohort. | Estimated stage 1 delta smelt abundance based on May samples from the 20mm survey's age0 catch. The calendar year of sampling is the cohort year. | Standard error of estimated stage 1 delta smelt abundance based on May samples from the 20mm survey program's age0 catch. | Estimated stage 2 delta smelt abundance based on July-August samples from the Summer Townet Survey's age0 catch. The calendar year of sampling is the cohort year. | Standard error of estimated stage 2 delta smelt abundance based on July-August samples from the Summer Townet Survey program's age0 catch. | Estimated stage 3 delta smelt abundance based on October-November samples from the Fall Midwater Trawl program's age0 catch. The calendar year of sampling is the cohort year. | Standard error of estimated stage 3 delta smelt abundance based on October-November samples from the Fall Midwater Trawl's age0 catch. The calendar year of sampling is the cohort year. | Estimated stage 4 delta smelt abundance based on February-March samples from the Spring Midwater Trawl (cohort years 1990-2000) and Spring Kodiak Trawl (cohort years 2001-2015) surveys' age1 catch. The calendar year of sampling is the cohort year plus one. | Standard error of estimated stage 4 delta smelt abundance based on February-March samples from the Spring Midwater Trawl (cohort years 1990-2000) and Spring Kodiak Trawl (cohort years 2001-2015) surveys' age1 catch. The calendar year of sampling is the cohort year plus one. | Average fork length (mm) of February age 1 delta smelt catch by the Spring Midwater Trawl (cohort years 1990-2000) and Spring Kodiak Trawl (cohort years 2001-2015) surveys. The calendar year of sampling is the cohort year. | Total daily Delta outflow (acre-feet) during March-May with calendar year equal to the cohort year. Data are daily values from the Dayflow database summed over 92 days. | Average Secchi depth (cm) across all samples taken from March through May of the calendar year equal to the cohort year. Samples are from CDFW fish monitoring programs and the value is the mean of the monthly means. | Average temperature (deg C) across all samples taken from March through May by CDFW fish monitoring programs during the calendar year equal to the cohort year. Mean is the average of the monthly means. | Average biomass per unit volume of adult cladocera (Bosmina, Daphnia, Diaphan and Othclado) and mysids (Hyperacanthomysis longirostris and Neomysis mercedis). | Nauplii and juvenile zooplankton from the IEP zooplankton monitoring data. Nauplii field names are "COPNAUP", "EURYNAUP", "OTHCOPNAUP", "PDIAPNAUP", "SINONAUP", and juvenile field names are "CALJUV", "EURYJUV", "OTHCALJUV", "PDIAPJUV", "SINOCALJUV", "ASINEJUV", "ACARJUV", "DIAPTJUV", "TORTJUV". | Average daily X2 location during September and October during the prior calendar year relative to the cohort year. Data sourced from the Dayflow database. | Total daily Delta outflow (acre-feet) during June-August with calendar year equal to the cohort year. Data are daily values from the Dayflow database summed over 92 days. | Average Secchi depth (cm) across all samples taken from June-August by CDFW fish monitoring programs during the calendar year equal to the cohort year. | Average temperature (deg C) across all samples taken from June-August by CDFW fish monitoring programs during the calendar year equal to the cohort year. Mean is the mean of the three monthly means. | Average daily low salinity zone habitat volume during September through November of the calendar year that is equal to the cohort year. Values based on a model relating LSZ habitat volume to X2 location based on relationships derived by MacWilliams et al. (2015, | Average Secchi depth (cm) across all samples taken from September through November by CDFW fish monitoring programs during the calendar year equal to the cohort year. | Average biomass per unit volume of adult cladocera (Bosmina, Daphnia, Diaphan and Othclado) and mysids (Hyperacanthomysis longirostris and Neomysis mercedis) caught during September to November of the calendar year equal to the cohort year. | Average daily Old and Middle rivers flows from December of the calendar year equal to the cohort year through March of the calendar year equal to the cohort year plus 1. Data sourced from daily USGS tidally filtered flow measurements. | Average Secchi depth (cm) across all samples taken from December of the calendar year equal to the cohort year through March of the calendar year equal to the cohort year plus 1 within a southern portion of the Delta. Samples are from the CDFW fish monitoring programs and the value is the mean of the monthly means. | Average biomass per unit volume of adult cladocera (Bosmina, Daphnia, Diaphan and Othclado) and mysids (Hyperacanthomysis longirostris and Neomysis mercedis) caught during December of the calendar year equal to the cohort year though February of the calendar year equal to the cohort year plus 1. Data are from the IEP EMP's zooplankton survey. | Age 1 and older striped bass abundance index. Abundance calculated from FMWT catch during December of the calendar year equal to the cohort year. |
Measurement Values Domain: | Unit | Year (time). | Type | integer |
| Unit | abundance index | Type | real |
| Unit | abundance index | Type | real |
| Unit | abundance index | Type | real |
| Unit | abundance index | Type | real |
| Unit | abundance index | Type | real |
| Unit | abundance index | Type | real |
| Unit | abundance index | Type | real |
| Unit | abundance index | Type | real |
| | | | | Unit | micrograms of Carbon per cubic meter water sampled | Type | real |
| Unit | micrograms of Carbon per cubic meter water sampled | Type | real |
| Unit | km from the Golden Gate Bridge. | Type | real |
| | | | Unit | thousands of cubic meters. | Type | real |
| | Unit | micrograms of Carbon per cubic meter water sampled | Type | real |
| Unit | cubic feet per second | Type | real |
| | Unit | micrograms of Carbon per cubic meter water sampled | Type | real |
| Unit | total abundance up to an unknown gear efficiency scaler | Type | real |