Definition: | Birth year of cohort. | Abundance index of post-larval life stage. | Standard error of the nHat_s1 abundance index. | Abundance index of juvenile life stage. | Standard error of the nHat_s2 abundance index. | Abundance index of sub-adult life stage. | Standard error of the nHat_s3 abundance index. | Abundance index of adult life stage. | Standard error of the nHat_s4 abundance index. | Total freshwater flow out of the Delta during March through May. | Average Secchi depths of monthly averaged samples during March through May. | Average water temperature of monthly averaged samples during March through May. | Biomass index of adult copepods and mysids, divided by 100, based on surveys from March through May. | Ratio of total Delta freshwater exports to total Delta freshwater inflow during March through May. | Average daily X2 during March through May. | Biomass index of nauplii and juvenile copepods based on March to May surveys. | Daily average freshwater flow out of the Delta during June through August. | Average Secchi depths of monthly averaged samples during June through August. | Abundance index of juvenile striped bass based on June through August surveys. | Biomass index of nauplii, juvenile, and adult copepods, and mysids, based on June through August surveys. | Average daily low salinity zone habitat volume from September through November. | Average daily X2 during September through November. | Daily average freshwater flow out of the Delta during September through November. | Average Secchi depths of monthly averaged samples during September and November. | Biomass index of nauplii, juvenile, and adult copepods, and mysids, based on September and November surveys. | Abundance index of age-0 striped bass based on September and November surveys. | Average Old and Middle rivers flow rate based on daily measurements from December of cohort_year through the subsequent March. | Average Secchi depth of monthly averaged samples taken in the southern Delta from December of the calendar year equal to the cohort_year through the subsequent February. | Biomass index of adult copepods and mysids, based on surveys from December of the calendar year equal to the cohort_year through the subsequent February. | Abundance index of age-1 and older striped bass based on December surveys. |
Measurement Values Domain: | | Unit | Number of individuals. | Type | real |
| Unit | Number of individuals. | Type | real |
| Unit | Number of individuals. | Type | real |
| Unit | Number of individuals. | Type | real |
| Unit | Number of individuals. | Type | real |
| Unit | Number of individuals. | Type | real |
| Unit | Number of individuals. | Type | real |
| Unit | Number of individuals. | Type | real |
| | | | Unit | Biomass per unit volume. | Type | real |
| Unit | Unitless number (acre-feet divided by acre-feet). | Type | real |
| | Unit | Biomass per unit volume. | Type | real |
| Unit | Million cubic meters per day. | Type | real |
| | Unit | Number of individuals. | Type | real |
| Unit | Biomass per unit volume. | Type | real |
| Unit | cubic kilometers | Type | real |
| | Unit | Million cubic meters per day. | Type | real |
| | Unit | Biomass per unit volume. | Type | real |
| Unit | Number of individuals. | Type | real |
| Unit | Cubic meters per day. | Type | real |
| | Unit | Biomass per unit volume. | Type | real |
| Unit | Number of individuals. | Type | real |