Geographical coordinates:
Coordinates (taken by GPS) of 'anchor points' and orientations of each plots are as follows:
Fisher Creek one N:
GPS of coordinates 70, 230 = 46 51.584N, 87 52.940W
GPS of coordinates 20, 230= 46 51.575N, 87 52.980W
y-coordinate grid-lines are oriented magnetic N-S
Fisher Creek one S:
GPS of coordinates 62, 80 = 46 51.514N, 87 52.952W
GPS of coordinates 62, 0= 46 51.462N, 87 52.942W
y-coordinate grid-lines are oriented (magnetic) N-S
Fisher Creek two:
GPS of coordinates 90, 0 = 46 51.584N, 87 52.940W
GPS of coordinates 40,116= 46 51.645N, 87 52.985W
y-coordinate grid-lines are oriented (magnetic) N-S
Ives Lake:
GPS of coordinates 28, 0 = 46 50.664N, 87 51.243W, accuracy 8 m.
vertical lines (y-axis) on map run 15 degress west of magnetic north
Trout Mountain:
GPS of coordinates 0, 0 = 46 51.714N, 87 53.123W
vertical lines (y-axis) on map = 30 degrees west of magnetic north